Wednesday 5 December 2012

Hmmm, Seems To Me There’s An Easy Answer To This One…

Canterbury Prison is failing to prepare its foreign inmates for life on the outside, according to a report.
Oh, dear. What a shame. Why might this be?
An inspection found staff could not see the benefit of addressing the behaviour of prisoners who would ultimately be deported anyway.
Well…no. Frugality, and all that, eh?

So why is the Prisoner’s Friend, Nick Hardwick, getting out of his box?
But Chief Inspector of Prisons Nick Hardwick said it was difficult to tell who would be deported until near the end of a sentence and said 20 per cent were allowed to remain in the UK.
Ah. Well, since we don’t know which 20% that might be, it seems pointless to squander a potential 80% of prison staff’s effort, doesn't it?

A better approach would be to ensure that 20% were also booted out, of course. Win/win!


  1. Bunny,

    A simple method is to ensure that the deportation orders are completed before the end of the sentence, hence sentence complete or partway complete they can be deported. Or even transferred to a prison in their native country to serve out their sentence near family and friends.

    The 20% who do stay can do the orientation course at a 'secure unit' until it is decided that it is safe for them to be released into the wider community. If ever.

  2. Sadly it's more likely,as you have previously indicated, that they'll get citizenship rather than be deported.

  3. Prisoners be prepared for "life on the outside", they say ?

    Have they completely forgotten in a few short months just how they lived their lived for sometimes decades beforehand ?

    For example: 20 years old having served two years for killing someone and you've completely forgotten how to get washed, dressed, feed yourself and complete a benefits application form ? You can't remember who you used to buy your drugs from or where the offie is and what time it opens and shuts ?

    You've no idea who you have produced offspring with or how many exist ?

    You don't even know for sure which country you were born in, have a right to reside in or whether you even have your own home never mind the address.

    Well ! Sounds like an incredibly serious medical condition to me ! Release the funding, open the Corrections Centres and let the intensive psychiatric and chemical experimentation begin.

    Upon completion of a course of "treatment" then a social worker for every prisoner to shadow their every waking move but one false step it's back off to Corrections you go !

    We'll see how many are "suffering" when the threat of *that* is brought in, eh.

    Oh the fun we could have if we ever seriously addressed such claims...

  4. Bunny

    @ Tatty, there is probably the legal and judicial infrastructure in place to do just that. Unfortunatley amongst the powers that be there is not the will, perhaps an entire generation of the judiciary will have to be retired early or just sacked for being useless.

  5. Better yet, kick the foreigners out on Day Two of their sentence.

    No, I don't particularly care what the penal system looks like in Romania.

  6. Bunny - Oh for just one judge to take on board a plea of mental deficiency as a real excuse for someone's crime and simply section them.

    I don't think will has much to do with it and guess there's simply no profit in taking criminals off the streets anymore. Far more employment and cash to be made from "managing" them.

  7. Julia, do you have these in book form at all?

  8. "Sadly it's more likely,as you have previously indicated, that they'll get citizenship rather than be deported."

    Indeed... :(

    "Have they completely forgotten in a few short months just how they lived their lived for sometimes decades beforehand ?"

    It appears to be a whole industry. Someone's making out like a bandit on the back of this.

    "Julia, do you have these in book form at all?"

    Have what? My posts? No.

  9. Some years ago, I was working alongside the UK Borders Agency - yes I know, they're as efficient as a chocolate fireguard - and they were required to deport a man who claimed to be stateless and refused to say where he was born. Experienced Border Guard (EBG): "That's no problem mate. We've checked the outgoing flights from Heathrow and we can get you on the next El Al flight to Tel Aviv. I'm sure they'll be able to sort you out."
    Stateless man: You can not send me to Israel. All true Libyans are at war with the Jews."
    EBG: "Thank you very much. There's a flight to Libya leaving this afternoon. You'll be on it!"
    Sadly, he did not fit in with the new, PC, regime and took early retirement. He's now a self-employed driving instructor in an area where most of his customers seem to originate from around Libya! Wonder if he'll see any familiar faces?

  10. "Stateless man: You can not send me to Israel. All true Libyans are at war with the Jews."
    EBG: "Thank you very much. There's a flight to Libya leaving this afternoon. You'll be on it!""

