Sunday 23 December 2012

On The Twelfth Day Of Christmas, The Progressives Gave To Me...

...the reversal of traditional morality. Because it's something those icky conservatives do:
Sex is good whether you're married or not, and certainly folks who wait until marriage can have a lot of sex once they tie the knot. But waiting until marriage often means both early marriage and conservative views on marriage and gender...
Also, dithering and indecision, a blissful ignorance of how they come across, moral equivalence between the bullies and the bullied, a curious belief that criminality 'just happens', a strange blindness in hiring staff, the unshakable belief that their desires should be everyone's desire, their belief that extortion and protectionism is just fine and dandy, shameless opportunism before the blood's even dry, the continued infiltration of the justice system, bah humbug, please save the Earth! and irrefutable evidence that, at heart, their desire to control the language knows no bounds.


  1. Wharever the answer do Guardian readers really waste their time wading through tosh like this?

  2. In the case of Jill Filipovic, I fully agree with the 'five Fs' - just obtaining what little carnal gratification the dumb cow has to offer, then throw her away like a soiled tissue.

  3. "Wharever the answer do Guardian readers really waste their time wading through tosh like this?"

    Well, some seem to spend an eternity at it, so they must get some pleasure out of it?
