Saturday 5 January 2013

Maybe It's Decided It Doesn't Need Them, Jonathan?

Those 'it needs most' being...those who don't live there:
Second is the impact of all this on the Jewish diaspora, especially in the US. The American Jewish attachment to Israel is profound, but US Jews also tend to be liberal with a strong sense of social justice. They will find Feiglin and Bennett hard to stomach. The Haaretz blogger who asked, "Will 2013 be the year American Jews secede from Israel?" may have got ahead of himself. Diaspora Jews will not break from Israel, but they will surely recoil from this one, albeit dominant, Israeli political camp. Feiglin's Israel is not the Israel their parents taught them to love.
It's very easy to be a wet liberal pacifist when you don't face any threat. When you are many, many miles away.

Not quite so easy when the rockets are falling...


  1. I'm not sure if he' bitching about Israel or if it is code for 'I don't like UKIP'.

  2. The rockets are fired by israeli IDF teams onto israeli waste land as an excuse for constant attacks and invasions, palestine is being wiped off the map and the world looks the other way

  3. @ Anonymous. Yawn, trolling again mr. moron, if you had any semblence of rational intelligence you would realise how stupid your comment is, but you don't do you.....( have any intelect )

  4. I've had the misfortune to have had to share Jewish community events on various occasions with Mr Freedland. His insistence that the arabs don't really want to commit genocide against the Jews is touching but naive. I'm all for having a bit of optimism but Mr Freedland goes much to far in that respect.

    The wet liberal Jewish lefties in Britain and the USA are as you say, not the ones having to suffer the rockets of Hamas or the genocidal and lunatic neighbours like Israel has to.

    It is easy to be an unrealistic lefty like Mr Freedland when you are not having to stare down the barrel of a gun held by someone who wants to kill you.

    My advice would be for Jonathan Freedland to shut up and listen to those who understand before he makes himself look even more foolish.

  5. Ah yes, the land that gave us the fragrant Yitzhak Shamir and Menachem Begin as Prime Ministers.

    It should not be forgotten that whilst the hated British and others were fighting Adolf and his mates, the Stern gang and Irgun were helping him out in Palestine. Vichy French forces and these Zionist goons did their best to fight and defeat the allied forces in that region.

    I have little sympathy for the state of Israel and no more for the various Islamic states that surround it. For me, it is a case of 'I hope they both lose'.

  6. palestine is being wiped off the map and the world looks the other way

    Not entirely. It's rather good sport, watching two sets of people you have no time for duke it out.

  7. "...or if it is code for 'I don't like UKIP'."

    Probably safe to assume every CiF article has that subtext...

    "The rockets are fired by israeli IDF teams onto israeli waste land as an excuse..."

    Your proposals are interesting and I'd like to subscribe to your newslett...


    Ah. That's better. Now begone, idiot.

    "It is easy to be an unrealistic lefty like Mr Freedland when you are not having to stare down the barrel of a gun held by someone who wants to kill you. "

    The irony is, put him in the wrong place at the wrong time, and they'd not make any distinction whatsoever...

    "Ah yes, the land that gave us the fragrant Yitzhak Shamir and Menachem Begin as Prime Ministers."

    I think they stack up well against Hussain, et al.
