Monday 7 January 2013

"They can’t protect the public but don’t allow the public to protect themselves.’"

Pretty much says it all, doesn't it?
Mr Edwards, 21, fired his shotgun at a van driven by Taylor as the thief accelerated towards his mother, Louisa Smith, 50. Taylor was caught after a high-speed chase but it was the farmer who endured a horrendous ordeal at the hands of police who arrested him on suspicion of attempted murder.
Well, I guess he's lucky the police's 'high speed chase' didn't kill anyone, or they might have tried to stick him on for that too!
The former public schoolboy said: ‘It’s completely changed my view of the police. They treated me like a criminal. The police have acted like bullies who have turned someone who was very supportive of their work into someone who wants nothing more to do with them.’
That's OK, they don't care about the views of the general public, as Inspector Gadget's contributors take such pains to tell us. So long as you continue to fork out for them, that is...
But even now the farmer has not had his shotgun and other weapons returned to him which he uses to control pests on his land and as a hobby.
Repeat after me: 'The process is the punishment...'


  1. Taylor left court grinning and sneered ‘lucky you’ at Mr Edwards after finding out the attempted murder allegation had been dropped.

    Moments earlier his solicitor Ian Brickman said the thief ‘is in many ways the victim in this’ and was left so ‘traumatised’ he cannot work.

    Sometimes there are just no words...

  2. Well, if the stings of reproaches are to be found in the truth of them, your succinct post must provide WC Jaded with many itchy weals.

  3. Whilst the good inspector does write pertinent posts on the parlous predicament of todays police service, most of his faithful followers are clearly of the modern stamp i.e. inexperienced, brainwashed dick heads who cannot compare themselves to real police officers as long as they call themselves 'cops'. The concept of being a citizen in uniform etyc, although oft quoted by them, as are Rowan & Maine's Principles of Policing, seems alien to them. They have no idea of discretion having been brainwashed by the new order since the mid-90's. There's a brave sprinkling of old retired dinosaurs and the difference between them is real and wide. MTG, why don't you leave poor old Jaded alone - he really is one of the good guys and when he and the rest have all gone by 2015 − 16 either through retirement of redundancy then you will miss him. By the way MTG, WTF are you on about?

  4. Repeat after me: 'The process is the punishment...'

    Yep, in many other cases too such as all the old male celebs who were famous around the 60s, 70s, and 80s. Paraded in front of the press "for questioning" but which the media happily ('cause they want to sell lots of papers) allow readers to think it means "charged as a paedophile".

  5. Agree, Anon 11:54.

    Whilst I am sure there are still many good 'ordinary' police officers to be found, the 'service' as a whole now seems to be nothing more than a paramilitary branch of Social Services.

    I gave up on Gadget's blog long ago with the gibbering idiots that post there. If they are anything like a cross section of the rank and file, God help us!

    BTW, I think MTG must have had his morning hit of Largactil ;)

  6. The modern police are nothing more than the paramilitary wing of the Labour party and cannot be trusted to uphold English common law if it contradicts Marxist doctrine.

  7. Old Labour viewed the Police suspiciously because they did what the Conservative Govt told them to do.
    When(Nu)Labour got in carrying the flag for Old Labour to some extent they set about attempting to mould and brainwash the Police into their own likeness.
    The Con-Dems view the Police with suspicion because they did what the Nu-Labour Govt told them to do.
    The Con-Dems would love to mould and brainwash the police into their own likeness, but they can't because Nu-labour spent all the money. So they punish the Police with cuts instead.

  8. "Sometimes there are just no words..."

    Oh, there are. But this is a family blog!

    "There's a brave sprinkling of old retired dinosaurs and the difference between them is real and wide."

    Oh, quite! But I'd not give Gadget such praise, while he continues to delete comments he doesn't like....

    "Paraded in front of the press "for questioning" but which the media happily ('cause they want to sell lots of papers) allow readers to think it means "charged as a paedophile"."

    Soft targets, excused by the pious 'We're just doing our job!'...

  9. "If they are anything like a cross section of the rank and file, God help us!"

    The police are drawn from society in general, not specially bred like their dogs or horses.

    So it can't come as a surprise.

    "The Con-Dems would love to mould and brainwash the police into their own likeness, but they can't because Nu-labour spent all the money."

    Money isn't everything. If they wanted to, they could do quite a lot. The fact that they clearly think it's a lost cause...well, that's telling.

    About the modern police service, AND the modern Tory Party!
