Monday 25 February 2013

It Looks Like There's A Place In Newham For Violence And Intolerance After All...

A Newham Council spokesperson added: “Newham Council was concerned that this event could result in serious disorder.
“The Mayor and Councillors sent a clear message that there is no place in Newham for violence and intolerance. We are therefore pleased that the pub’s management cancelled the booking.”
The booking being? Well, a music venue. Of allegedly ‘racist’ bands.
A band called ‘IC1’ were initially withdrawn from the line up but staff confirmed this morning the entire event has been called off after its premises was targeted by vandals last night.
Oh. I see. That sounds a lot like ‘violence and intolerance’ to me.

And yet Newham Council aren’t demanding that the event go ahead to prove that it should never triumph. 

So, I can only assume that Newham Council is just fine with intolerance and violence as long as it serves a cause they support…


  1. Looked up that band and they are a bit tasty. However, I doubt there'll be any direct threats to, say, throw homosexuals off mountains at their gigs.

    Incidentally, having drunk in that pub on a couple of occasions with a couple of 'ammers I know, would love to be a fly on the wall if the "communidee" tried to shut down such a gig on a West Ham matchday.

  2. Starbryte, unfortunately Newham council would side with the Bearded Savages.

  3. "However, I doubt there'll be any direct threats to, say, throw homosexuals off mountains at their gigs."


    Though Fahrenheit is right about the likely action from Newham Council should anyone other than a 'racist group' suggest that..
