Sunday 24 February 2013

Social Mores In Song...

Going into the Sixties:


Women passively sit at home, waiting for their man to earn the cash to take them out.

Oh, how patriarchal! Surely, things must change? And for the better?

Going into the mid-whatever we're calling this decade:


Women now convinced vandalism is the best thing since kitten heels, if your man done you wrong.

Thanks, feminism. Thanks a bunch!


  1. Let us not underestimate a modern gal's integrity, Julia. Few men will wish to return to that dishonest era when he was married and in chains before discovering the ogress.

    Many, many thanks to feminism.

  2. Haha very good point, Melv !

    Forced to watch "Take Me Out" with the female offspring turned into a discussion on pseudo-feminism.

    I'm not allowed to watch it ever again with her :)

  3. Be fair Julia, it's not just the wimminz take it out on the car.

  4. I know it is just a video but behind it's puerile message of petty revenge it shows someone very insecure and probably suffering from mental illness, not a chick worth chasing......

  5. "Few men will wish to return to that dishonest era when he was married and in chains before discovering the ogress. "

    Ah, well, it's nice that there's a silver lining to the cloud, I suppose.

    "I'm not allowed to watch it ever again with her :)"


    "Be fair Julia, it's not just the wimminz take it out on the car."


    "...but behind it's puerile message of petty revenge it shows someone very insecure and probably suffering from mental illness, not a chick worth chasing..."

    Sadly, that seems to be rather an attraction for some!
