Friday 1 March 2013

Hark! What Do I Hear?

Ah. Yes. That's it.
Charlotte Baines, prosecuting, told Grimsby Crown Court that Michelle Britcliffe had been in a relationship with Stuart Webster, who gave her a Staffordshire bull terrier dog.
Is that the modern token of affection for the underclass, then?
Matthew Measures offered to buy it from her but she refused to sell it to him.
She left her home in Gilbey Road, but her ten-year-old son was there with a 15-year-old babysitter.
The youngster later telephoned the police after discovering that intruders were trying to break in. The Measures brothers and Ford forced their way in through the back door. Williams claimed he was the lookout.
The youngster, terrified, hid upstairs in a cupboard and he later discovered that the dog had been taken. The house was later broken into again overnight and a CD player and a DVD player were taken.
The dog was later found at the home of Matthew Measures.
And...where was the 15-year-old while this was going on?
Matthew Measures, a third-strike burglar also admitted handling a stolen stereo and printer keyboard between August 9 and 16. He was jailed for three years.
Liam Measures was locked up for two years and three months and Williams was sent down for two years.
Ford was given a six-month detention and training order and a three-year antisocial behaviour order.
That'll make everything right again.


  1. I was going to make a comment about the photos, but someone in the comments on the site summed it up pretty much:

    "the measures look like oddjob and oddjob jr from carry on screaming"

  2. I was slightly surprised the perps were awarded what appeared to be proper sentences. Then I wondered if they had previous...

    At least one of them has a track record that Mo Farah would struggle to beat.

    Grimsby Telegraph: July 03, 2010
    Christopher Drury, 20, of Lord Street accused Matthew Measures, 16, of saying things about him. He grabbed him by the throat, hit him in the face, there was a scuffle and the teenager suffered injuries to his ear and neck.

    Grimsby Telegraph: August 31, 2011
    MATTHEW Measures has been branded a "complete pain" after aggressively wielding a crowbar and boasting: "I'm your worst nightmare." Measures, 18, of Gilbey Road, Grimsby, admitted damaging a car, belonging to Julie Ashton, using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour and obstructing a police officer in the execution of his duty on December 27. He also admitted a racially aggravated public order offence on July 17.

    Grimsby Telegraph: January 26, 2012
    A LOOK-OUT for a burglary which "chased a family out of town" has been jailed for 18 months. Matthew Measures, 18, of Gilbey Road, Grimsby, admitted burglary, which meant he had committed a further offence while subject to a suspended sentence for a previous offence of cannabis possession.

    Grimsby Telegraph: February 20, 2012
    Matthew Measures, 18, of HMP Hull, admitted on September 2, 2011, destroying in Gilbey Road, Grimsby, a lamppost belonging to North East Lincolnshire Council. Committed to a young offender institution for one month and ordered to pay compensation of £200

  3. But John, you're reading that completely wrong - you see Matthew is actually a victim:

    Grimsby Telegraph: July 02, 2010
    THREE troublemakers got involved in a violent attack in which a man was viciously punched and kicked, a court heard.
    Drury admitted other offences of assaulting Matthew Measures and threatening to damage property on January 6. Stuart also admitted wounding Andrew Green with intent to cause grievous bodily harm on December 19.

  4. But John, you're reading that completely wrong - you see Matthew is actually a victim:

    In the first instance, it appears he was... although perhaps also an indication of the unsavoury company he was keeping at the outset on his path to local thug and villain.

    I fear we will one day hear more from this young man.

  5. "I fear we will one day hear more from this young man."

    Well quite; I was surprised by how few reports came up on my search.

  6. XX destroying in Gilbey Road, Grimsby, a lamppost belonging to North East Lincolnshire Council.XX

    "Destroying a lamp post"....!?

    What did he do, attack it with a pocket size nuclear device, or piss on it till it rusted to death???

  7. XX had been in a relationship with Stuart Webster, who gave her a Staffordshire bull terrier dog.

    Is that the modern token of affection for the underclass, then? XX

    The dog was probably better in bed....

  8. Or maybe it is due to the fact he is a pshycotic little shit that can burgle u and threaten your life with his gang of thugs at the same time, the reason why he took down the lampost was because they where terrorizing the neighbourhood for three weeks whilst grimsby had limited police has they where trying to help with the riots in the cities. How do i know this simply because i was one of his victims and that boy is more like a demon.

  9. The measures family are all like it..pity anyone that lives near them
