Friday 3 May 2013

Ah, If Only The Careless Could Be Made To Care, Eh?

“The owner managed to get the dog off Cassie, but not before it had cut her ear and torn part of her upper gum inside her mouth.”
The childminder, who was walking Cassie with her children Richard, 10, and Jessica, eight, claims she had to help the dog owner to get her pet under control.
She said: “She asked me to help her as she couldn't get the lead back on it because it was trying to escape to attack again.”
So, a dog not under it’s owners control, in a public place. Isn't this a police matter?
Carolyn said children were shaken by the incident, which she has reported to police.
A police spokeswoman said the incident had been reported but after police visited Carolyn they were unable to trace the owner with the details given.
She added they established no offence had taken place and there would be no further action.
Shocker, I'm sure you'll agree…
But Carolyn, who has had to foot an £84 vet bill, wants the owner to come forward and claims she was given a false name and number.
Another shocker…
“I want other dog owners warned so this does not happen to any other dogs, and also to serve as a reminder that if an owner knows a dog is aggressive, it should be kept on a lead and muzzled.
If the owner had taken either of these precautions, my pup would not have been hurt.”
Yes, but then, haven’t we already established that she’s not a fit owner?

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