Wednesday 22 May 2013

Judge Alistair McCreath - Psychic To The Court!

Judge Alistair McCreath said: ‘This is a man whose mental health has been shattered by life’s events.
‘I am perfectly satisfied that whatever impression he may have given through his movements and actions, he had no intention to harm anyone except himself.’
Oh. Right. Well, that's that then...
He continued: ‘You were genuinely convinced you have been denied justice by legal manipulation on the part of a person you believed defrauded you.
‘This belief has become almost obsessional with you to the point where it has driven you mad.’
 I sort of know how he feels. The justice system in this country is driving me a bit loopy too...
The judge added: ‘Just don’t ever do this again, it’s stupid so far as you’re concerned and it’s not great for the public having to see people doing what you were doing.’
Yes. Just do it somewhere else, there's a good chap....


  1. time to remove one of his shoes and socks perhaps ?

  2. I think we're past even that stage!
