Monday 10 June 2013

Why Do I Get The Feeling This Isn’t The Whole Story?

Susan Moyse and Sylvie Thompson had just left Morley Nurseries and were heading down Southend Road, Great Wakering, when a driver stopped his car in front of their vehicle, before launching abuse at them.
Out of the blue? For no reason?

Well, there does seem to be quite a bit of this about! MacHeath has a similar story.
She said: “He was waving his hands and I thought he was going to overtake and just drive past.
“But he stopped his car all of a sudden, so I had to break quickly and stop.
“He got out of the car and came towards us, shouting abuse. He then pulled my car keys out, which broke them, and he threw them on to a field nearby.
“He said: ‘That will give you something to do for the afternoon.’
Hmmm. Mistaken identity? I mean, if there’d been no prior contact between them, that’s the only explanation, surely?

There must have been two other women with a child in an identical car which did something to trigger this, and they were the unfortunate innocent victims of this man’s wrath.

That must be it…


  1. Thanks for the link.

    I wonder what proportion of incidents like this occur in the vicinity of garden centres or other 'leisure shopping' venues.

  2. Difficult to say with that one.

  3. "I wonder what proportion of incidents like this occur in the vicinity of garden centres or other 'leisure shopping' venues."

    Someone should research it.

    And then ban them all... ;)
