Saturday 8 June 2013

Why So Astonished, Chief Superintendent Usher?

Barnet’s Chief Superintendent Adrian Usher said: "I have spoken to community leaders and assured them that a thorough investigation is being conducted.
"The safety of our communities is always our priority and we are consulting widely, offering our support and reassurance. All communities can be confident that they have our support and I can be contacted personally to answer their concerns."
The usual platitudes and the often-employed language of division, I see.

'Communities' plural? Why not 'community'? Aren't we all British?
He added: "I have been astonished by the calm resolve that community leaders have displayed. Despite such a blow to the community, their focus has been on moving forward and how best they can bring the community together in a positive way."
Err, hang on! Why would you be astonished? Aren't the police and other state bodies always telling us that Islam is 'a Religion of Peace'?

So, being astonished by this is like being astonished that water is wet, or the sky is blue.

Isn't it?


  1. You know, when I hear about churches being vandalised I never hear from the police saying that they will have the christian community topmost in their minds. Why are muslims so special? Is it because they go around seeking victimhood all the time and "progressives" whose brains are full of emotional intelligence but no common sense are fooled by them.

  2. The establishment has gotten over the running down and beheading of a young man in a London street in broad daylight by two UAF acolytes from the Religion of (Blown or Hacked to) Peace(s).

    We've moved on to Islam-as-Victim now.

    Perhaps the super shouldn't be overly surprised about the calm resolve :

    "It is also welcome news that Barnet Borough Council plan to rebuild the centre."


    The single comment on that article is incisive.

  3. What we have here is a serious pandering problem - no, that's not some YouTube/Facebook craze where you pose with a bamboo shoot in your mouth. I mean pandering by the authorities to these self appointed and self important 'community leaders'.

    Who are these people really? Why is it they are invariably leaders of communities originating from foreign climes? Where are the leaders for white/local communities? If this group even exists, would the police and local government even bother to call upon them to ask where to devote their resources?

    Frankly, I'm getting fed up with this nonsense.

    We are all members of the public and should be consulted/treated equally. If one of us has been elected then they may justifiably claim to have the right to speak for the rest of us... But the rest, those jumped up big men of the minorities, should NOT have the ear of the police or anyone else employed by the majority.

    This timidity by the police has to stop. If they have something to say to a community then say it. Stop sharing your time with a select few who represent their little own little closed kingdoms and spheres of influence. Community my arse!

  4. The Left has become highly skilled at changing the narrative after a muslim atrocity in order to demonstrate that the real problem is the British people.

  5. No surprise here. It's what I've come to expect from our pisspoor, post hoc politicians and their anti-public servant toadies.

  6. Why is anyone surprised? Whenever the police management speak about 'da commoonitee' we all know exactly who they mean...and it isn't 'US'. Isn't this the cock who was proudly proclaiming that burglary victims** would get sent flower when the police told them they couldn't be arsed to investigate their crime?

    ** Obviously does not apply to those burglary victims who have a special status such as BMEs, Homosexuals, mozzies, travellers etc and/or anyone who can include an allegation of beastliness making the burglary a HATE crime

  7. "You know, when I hear about churches being vandalised I never hear from the police saying that they will have the christian community topmost in their minds."

    Good point!

    "The single comment on that article is incisive."


    "What we have here is a serious pandering problem - no, that's not some YouTube/Facebook craze where you pose with a bamboo shoot in your mouth."

    Now you've sparked a trend.. ;)

    "No surprise here. It's what I've come to expect..."

    Oh, me too.
