Tuesday 13 August 2013

Another New Wrinkle In The Strange Case Of Lee Balkwell..

Scott Bromley, 39, of Herbert Grove, Southend, pleaded guilty to intimidating Mr Balkwell’s sister Tanya in a tanning salon.
Five people, including Bromley, were arrested last November in connection with an onging police probe into the death.
Bromley, his parents David, 66, and Linda Bromley, 63, brother Simon Bromley and a 49-year-old woman from South Ockendon, were arrested on suspicion of perverting the course of justice.
They were all released from bail without charge in May, apart from Simon, who remains on bail on suspicion of gross negligence manslaughter and perverting the course of justice.
 The story gets more and more strange...
Basildon Crown Court heard Scott Bromley, while still on bail on suspicion of perverting the course of justice, approached Tanya Balkwell at the Absolutely Fabulous Tanning Salon, where she works in Upminster, on April 25.
He admitted “knowing or believing” that she was a “potential witness in proceedings” and attending her work place in an attempt to intimidate her and “pervert the course of justice”.
When he was arrested last November, a bail condition was placed on him to have no form of contact with Tanya.
He indicated he would deny the offence at an earlier Basildon Magistrates’ Court hearing and was remanded in custody due to a risk of absconding.
 Yet, somewhere between then and there, he had a change of heart.
He is due to be sentenced at crown court this month.
Curiouser and curiouser.


  1. Essex gangsters and bent cops, not really that strange.

  2. A bit beyond me, this one. Essex must be a fabulous place to live.

  3. There's a tv script in it somewhere.

  4. "Essex must be a fabulous place to live."

    Parts of it are OK ;)

    "There's a tv script in it somewhere. "

    Id does sound a lot like something the 'New Tricks' guys should be investigating, doesn't it?
