Tuesday 27 August 2013

Have You Considered NOT Putting Them In Open Prisons..?

"We are not complacent about this issue and are looking at ways in which the risk of absconding can be reduced further.
"We are committed to ensuring that risk to the public is minimised."
Yeah. Sure you are.

H/T: Curmudgeon via email Whoops! My mistake - it was CJ Nerd via email! 


  1. That's not the story I sent you, it was this one.

  2. Yeah! It was *me* who sent you that one!

    I'm devastated. This will undermine my self-esteem. I want compensation.

  3. From the Beeb report & photo:

    "Flint is described as black, "

    No wonder they have difficulty finding him. He sure ain't RAL9005


  4. I've just discovered a better descriptive tool ..........


  5. Yikes! You're right - sorry! The perils of having too many open browser tabs and emails at once!

  6. "Sussex Police have warned the public not to approach Flint but to call 999"

    Oh...THAT low a risk, eh?

  7. Don't worry- the risk to the public was minimal.

    Well, acceptable.

    Well, acceptable to the authorities.

    From his previous escape:

    "Paul Flint was sent to prison in 1990 after being found guilty of murdering the occupant of a house he was burgling in Islington in 1989."

    "Once Flint realised that he was about to be arrested he tried to escape by climbing out of a side-window and assaulting the police officer who was attempting to arrest him."

    From the current escape:

    "He is wanted in connection with two burglaries in Hove, on 8 and 15 July, and one in Brighton, on 5 August, Sussex Police said. "

    Anyone who finds him burgling their house can be VERY thankful he's been "rigorously risk assessed and categorised as being of low risk to the public".

  8. "No wonder they have difficulty finding him. He sure ain't RAL9005"


    "Don't worry- the risk to the public was minimal.

    Well, acceptable.

    Well, acceptable to the authorities. "

    Who, you'll note, never risk anything. Certainly not even censure...
