Friday 23 August 2013

No, I Think These Sort Of Weddings Are Still Out Of The Ordinary…

… I'm happy to say:
An eyewitness to the incident, who did not wish to be named, said: “There were about 20 or 40 people out in the street during the wedding. I’m not sure if they were all fighting or if some of them were just trying to stop a couple of men from hitting each other.
“These things get this way when people have too much to drink at weddings.“
I have to say, I've never attended a wedding of that sort (or indeed a christening). Am I missing out?
Inspector John Fryer, of Rossendale Police, said: “Officers were called to a punch up in Market Street during a wedding at around 9.45pm on Friday.
Nobody was fighting when we got there, but we believe between 20 and 40 people were involved.”
Maybe they might want to reconsider this proposed sculpture’s subjects.

I don't think it's the wildlife that the only thing squaring up to each other…


  1. The police are missing a marketing opportunity here. They should offer, for money, to form the honour guard at the church (or where ever) and then they'd be on hand when it all kicks off. They would even get a free dinner while on ceremonial duty.

    The pictures would have an arch of coppers holding up their truncheons for the happy couple to dance under. Traditional, innit.

  2. I am beginning to think that G & S got the portrayal of the present police farce correct in 'Pirates'.

  3. @ WoaR

    Contemporary plod withdraws his asp...which is hardly a truncheon. Oo-er, missus.

  4. As they say in Newcastle;

    "Everybody on the dance floor for the fightin'!"

  5. Blood Wedding by the Oyster Band is the appropriate soundtrack. Look it up on You Tube.

  6. XX I have to say, I've never attended a wedding of that sort (or indeed a christening). Am I missing out? XX

    Never been to Belfast/Liverpool/Glagow?

    Run of the mill.....

  7. "The police are missing a marketing opportunity here. They should offer, for money, to form the honour guard at the church (or where ever) and then they'd be on hand when it all kicks off. "

    In these times of austerity, it could be a right little money-spinner! ;)

    "As they say in Newcastle;

    "Everybody on the dance floor for the fightin'!""


    "Blood Wedding by the Oyster Band is the appropriate soundtrack. Look it up on You Tube."

    It's got a good beat...
