Monday 19 August 2013

Not Part Of Society..?

A group of travellers have taken over part of a doctors’ surgery car park in Blackburn, causing difficulties for elderly and disabled patients.
Staff at Little Harwood Health Centre have fielded complaints from patients who have struggled to find a space at the Beech Street car park.
A spokesman for the health centre, in Plane Tree Road, said: “Parking is always at a premium here and they are probably taking up about 20 patient spaces. We’ve had a lot of complaints about it. It’s also cost an awful lot of money out of the NHS property budget to take it to court. I’ve been told it’s costing about £7,500.
“They got on before we locked the gate in the evening. We asked them to leave last week, but they just said we’d have to get a court order. We’ve just left them alone since.”
Because they are a protected species.
One of the group, a 19-year-old man, who declined to give his name, said: “ We've come over from Ireland and are making our way south. Because of some health issues, we needed to stop somewhere to see a doctor. My father got ill and has just had an operation at the hospital. He’s not fully recovered and has a follow-up appointment, so we’re waiting until he’s all right again.”
And everyone else? Well, why should they care?


  1. This will be nothing compared to when the Roma turn up on mass in the new year.

  2. They're just not trying anymore. Probably because they know they no longer need to

  3. Surely they lock the gate every evening? Wouldn't that make it an undesirable place to camp?

  4. I thought we had passed aggravated trespass legislation to deal with this?

    They used some part of this charge the lady who climbed the Shard and she didn't set up camp there or prevent anyone else getting to the doctor.

  5. @WoaR: yes but they were nice middle class women, so the police will be happy to enforce the law against them. If its a bunch of aggressive pikeys they will ignore the law entirely and refuse to do a thing, because they've got 'rights'.

  6. XX

    Die ungehinderte Zuwanderung von Roma aus Rumänien und Bulgarien nach Duisburg macht sich auch im ersten Halbjahr 2013 massiv in der Kriminalstatistik dieser Stadt bemerkbar. XX

    The unhindered immigration of Roma and Bulgarians (Read; "fucking stinking thieving tink bastards") into Duisberg, has had a great effect on the criminal statisticts in the first six months (MY italics).

    XX Polizei zählt knapp 3000 tatverdächtige Zuwanderer in Duisburg – Duisburg XX

    The Police have counted close to 3,000 shity little immigrant bastards (Not an EXACT translation of "Zuwanderer" But it will do), in Duisberg

    Note here "IN THE FIRST SIX MONTHS!!"

    XX Die Delikte sind vor allem Diebstahl, Betrug und Schwarzarbeit. Neben diesen Straftaten wurden eine Vielzahl hier gar nicht aufgelisteter Ordnungswidrigkeiten wie etwa Ruhestörung, Verschmutzung des öffentlichen Grundes oder anderer verwaltungsrechtlicher Delikte durch die Duisburger “Neubürger” verübt.XX

    These offenses are above all theft, fraud, and "Working on the black". Not in these figures are the "lesser" offences of Breaches of the peace, throwing shit out of your window (Also not an EXACT translation of "Verschmutzung des öffentlichen Grundes" but... That is exactly what they do, among leaving their stolen burned out cars all over the grass),and other "more minor" offences.


  7. "This will be nothing compared to when the Roma turn up on mass in the new year."

    I fear you're right...

    "They're just not trying anymore. Probably because they know they no longer need to"

    I fear you're right too..!

    "I thought we had passed aggravated trespass legislation to deal with this?"

    Doesn't seem to work when you are a protected species.


    Ah, what we've got to look forward to!
