Friday 30 August 2013

OK, Don't Comply Then... not pass go, do not collect £200, go straight to jail:
A woman who posed as an undercover police officer after a row at a petrol station said she would not be able to comply with her sentence.
Janette Bentley, 63, of MacGregor Drive, Wickford, said she might not be able to pay £705 court costs as part of her sentencing at Basildon Magistrates’ Court yesterday.
Bentley was also sentenced to 12 weeks in jail suspended for a year for claiming to be a police officer at Texaco garage, in Wickford, to try to gain access to CCTV.
Have you tried the Victimhood Poker cards? Oh. You have...
During sentencing Bentley, who said she was disabled and deaf in one ear, said she still denied the charge of pretending to be a police officer with intent to deceive.
Martin Hampson, chairman of the bench, said: “I suggest the costs are paid, otherwise you could find yourself in the court again.”
Bentley added: “I think that may happen.
“That’s going without food and utilities.”
Well, yes. Those are consequences of illegal activity.

But there's always one sucker:
Lisa81** says...
Why are you all assuming she was drunk? She actually suffers from mental illness. Why they are prosecuting her is beyond me. She obviously needs medical help and making her pay a fine will achieve nothing. She needs help with making sure she takes her medication and monitoring so she doesn't have these manic episodes. I can't believe all these scathing comments about a women who so obviously just needs help not judgement.


  1. If, as suggested by an excuser "...(she) sufers from mental illness", she should have her driving licence withdrawn.

    Oh, and I wonder if she's notified her insurer of her mental state?

  2. Bunny

    It is do what you want with total impunity these days, however if I did something I would expect the full weight of the law crashing down around my ears. Mainly because I am a well paid educated professional, I would be well stuffed. Could I try but I am from Croxteth and was in care? True but not a real reflection on my upbringing. I may have to try that one.

  3. "Oh, and I wonder if she's notified her insurer of her mental state?"

    Good point!

    "It is do what you want with total impunity these days, however if I did something I would expect the full weight of the law crashing down around my ears. Mainly because I am a well paid educated professional, I would be well stuffed"

    And that's another...

  4. People with mental health issues do not automatically get disqualified from driving, you overbearing, judgemental muppets! Bi-polar disorders and depression do not inhibit your ability to drive, although they may cloud your judgement of social situations where you've felt threatened. Even to the point where you make wild claims about being a police officer to get what you feel is information you should be privy to based in the fact you were just subject to a torrent of abuse, thus heightening your sense of danger and exacerbating your symptoms. Read up about mental health problems before you make stupid statements. Next you'll be saying that disabled people with missing limbs shouldn't drive too! Imbecile.

  5. I have know Jan for many years and she is a real basket case! Uses her mental state to suit any uncomfortable situation....!
