Monday 5 August 2013

Ooooh, A New Baby Seal For The Left!

The shooting of Shaaliver appeared to fall within the guidelines for using deadly force, police officials said.
...some in Shaaliver’s neighborhood, including the boy’s aunt, Quwana Barcene, 35, .... compared her nephew to Trayvon Martin in Florida.
“Him, Trayvon Martin, it’s never going to end,” she said.
“A child. Fourteen years old. Fourteen years old. Gone. Shot in the head. By police.”
At Shaaliver’s housing project, the Gouverneur Morris II Houses, his friends gathered to support his parents.
“This is unreal, how the police get away with murder,” his aunt, Ms. Barcene, said. “They get away with murder.”
And what was this little innocent doing at the time? Was he wandering home with his pop and his sweeties like the Blessed St Trayvon?
Just after 3 a.m. on Sunday, the pop of gunshots cut through the air.
Two rookie police officers — barely a month out of the Police Academy, and now on foot patrol in the Bronx — hurried toward the sound.
They headed east on East 151st Street to find a chase unfolding, one person running down the middle of the street, another following with a handgun. The officers ordered the second figure to drop his gun. Instead, another shot rang out. One of the officers fired a single shot. The bullet struck the gunman in his lower left jaw, killing him.
Not was it his only brush with the law:
...court records showed he had been caught with a gun at least once before; his last brush with the law involved his arrest on a charge of attempted murder, after a rival gang member was shot in May.
All this, the police said, at age 14.
Doesn't seem as if the police are getting away with murder. It does seem, though, as if Shaaliver fully expected to...


  1. Fidel Cuntstruck5 August 2013 at 10:43

    You know ... reading that story brings a whole raft of Dirty Harry quotes to mind ;0)

  2. Shaaliver (wtf kind of name is that?) is now chopped liver.

    What a shame.

    I feel a half onion wrapped in a hanky moment coming on...

  3. I really don't know how these muppets can claim he was murdered and keep a straight face while doing it.

  4. Twenty_Rothmans5 August 2013 at 13:46

    @Fidel "That's mighty white of you"?

    I wonder how Quwana fills out her welfare forms. And 'Shaaliver'?

    It reminds me of when I have picked up a pile of really shitty Scrabble tiles.

    What must the mRNA inside these organisms think when it reads off a sequence? "Fuck my luck, I won't be around for long".

    But for me, the highlight is Bwana's prose: "Him. Gone. Shot. Police".

    Eugenicists get pretty bad press. This is the alternative.

  5. XX One of the officers fired a single shot. The bullet struck the gunman in his lower left jaw, killing him.XX

    YES! SCORE!!!

    Bloddy BRILLIANT shooting that man!

  6. Fidel Cuntstruck5 August 2013 at 15:17

    @Twenty Rothmans



    Perhaps he was originally christened "Sean Oliver"? but what with the street patois and all that ...

  7. Image: A memorial for 14-year-old Shaaliver Douse is started outside the Gouverneur Morris Houses in the Bronx by his aunt, Quwana Barcene, and the boyfriend of Shaaliver's mother, who declined to give his name.

    The memorial includes a dozen candles, flowers and a photograph of Mr. Douse at Universal Studios in Florida from May 2011.

    The same photo from which the media have used in their current stories I notice, and aged just 12! Cripes.

  8. Who the fuck cares? Another DNA wasting meat sack gone....GOOD! Stupid name anyway. What si the matter with these people of color?

  9. America deserved better. Never in the history of emerging Presidential candidates was one Country so prematurely robbed of a fitting specimen.

  10. Twenty_Rothmans5 August 2013 at 19:59

    "Dead. Gone. Police. Shot" What's this cretin's excuse, was she locked up in Fritzl's cellar?

    Enough frivolity.

    If Julia hadn't pointed us to the NYT and dropped a couple of other hints, we'd have all thought it a snippet from the Newham Gangsta or the Tower Hamlets Benefit Scum.

    Hark ye, at the wailing about the death of Mark Duggan, as much worth to the world as the greasy bones discarded in a cardboard box form a cheap halal chicken shop at closing time. In fact, that was probably how he was conceived.

    "Dead. Police. Gone. Shot" same script, orated by the usual dirt you scrape from the grooves in your shoes.

    And they get the same vote as you do. Democracy sucks.

  11. Live by the sword, die by the sword. Sooner or later something of this sort was going to happen...

  12. "...a whole raft of Dirty Harry quotes..."

    Indeed! I know just the one you're thinking of:

    "When a naked man is chasing a woman through an alley with a butcher's knife and a hard-on, I figure he isn't out collecting for the Red Cross!"

    "Shaaliver (wtf kind of name is that?) is now chopped liver."

    Heh! And, pace Twenty_Rothman's suggestion, Scrabble probably plays a part...

    "Bloddy BRILLIANT shooting that man!"

    Missed centre mass though?

    "The same photo from which the media have used in their current stories I notice, and aged just 12! Cripes."

    That sounds....familiar!

  13. XX Missed centre mass though? XX

    AIM at center mass, then if the recoil pulls the shot in either direction, you still get a head or stomach hit.

    Thats why this stupid street nigger idea of holding the gun sideways is a load of bollox.

  14. "AIM at 'center' mass, then if the recoil pulls the shot in either direction, you still get a head or stomach hit."

    Only on your Xbox game, Arsch.

  15. Ooohhh The wanker is back!

    GREAT!!! :-) :-)

  16. What is... a what... an "Xbox game"? any way?

    Heard of them but do not think I have ever seen one.
