Monday 26 August 2013

So, Unnamed Senior Police Officer...

...just where can Londoners walk in safety? And when?
Sabrina Moss, who had a four-year-old son, is believed to have been caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, a senior Police officer said.
But we don't have a gang problem, oh, dear me, no...


  1. Link doesn't work, Julia.

  2. I was confident the Met were on top of black gun crime until DCI Sandlin reeled off crime number 0208,3580,500 for this particular murder.

    'Trident the Unmentionable Budget Buster' has an even lower profile these days, and one must glean this news for an indication of its involvement.

  3. Two men - I'm assuming that means they are of an efnic persuasion?

  4. Robert the Biker26 August 2013 at 14:33

    In some ways of course, the Senior plod is quite correct; we don't have a gang problem; we have a useless, gutless, PC police problem!Add to this a court system heavily overweight with hand-wringers and other useless loveys and out of touch old goats who blame everyone but the actual feral scum commiting crimes for the problem, and it is no wonder it's scarcely safe to go out your front door.

  5. monas again. Nothing can be done apart from on a personal level put as much distance and detachment between you and the monas. I think I may have another 10 years before they over run my area. Then the plan is to move west, 300 miles west, that should give me separation for the rest of my natural. I think they call it "white flight", seems a popular plan.

  6. Still, look on the bright side eh? carnival was another success in 2013 ! A wonderful, vibrant exhibition of the traditionla and modern 'urban' soul of London and the UK!

    I know it hasn't finished yet...and it's a baking hot day leading to a hot evening and night when there'll be robberies, assaults, stabbings and no doubt one or two shootings and maybe even a couple of more killings....but hey....what price multi-culturalism. Might even pop out and get me a new 52" plasma later or a pair o' dem new Nikes

  7. Her husband must be devastated.

  8. "Enquiries continue to establish the full circumstances of this tragic incident."


    "Why didn't the stupid bitch stay indoors? Now we've got loads of forms to fill out."

  9. If the girls were not the target, it means that there will be several more shootings in the pipeline...

  10. A beautiful young lady and a life gone. A young child without its mother.


  11. Just spent two 16 1/2 days policing the Notting Hill Carnival.I feel very "vibrant".
    My fillings were rattling in my head from the sound systems and all minor crimes were ignored as per orders.Any crime that happened one inch outside the carnival route did not go on the official figures either.

  12. "'Trident the Unmentionable Budget Buster' has an even lower profile these days, and one must glean this news for an indication of its involvement."

    Strange, because it SHOULD have a bigger profile, now it doesn't concern itself only with black-on-black issues...

    "In some ways of course, the Senior plod is quite correct; we don't have a gang problem; we have a useless, gutless, PC police problem!"

    Tru dat!

    "If the girls were not the target, it means that there will be several more shootings in the pipeline.."

    The police statements are coming apart at the seams, with one claiming in the 'Standard' yesterday that the object could have been to kill as many people as possible.

    If so, 2/10, must try harder!
