Friday 23 August 2013

This Is Why You Suffer From ‘Exclusion From Society’…

Crews from Preston Circus were called to the site on Tuesday at about 10pm after reports of a group of children setting some trees on fire.
When they arrived, a fire source told The Argus rocks and other debris were thrown at them as they tried to tackle the flames.
The source added a “wolflike” dog was being goaded into attacking the 999 team while there were reports of people trying to take things off the engine.
Just let it burn. If it spreads to their site, well, too bad, so sad...
Fire crews have now said they will not deal with any incidents at the site unless there are police present.
And the police say ‘Woah! We don’t fancy that much!’:
A police spokeswoman said: “Police have spoken to East Sussex Fire and Rescue and have agreed that they will liaise with the council security on the site and will assess any future calls to the encampment and decide if police presence is required.
Which, translated, means 'We'll take the advice of MC Hammer on this one'.
"A police presence will be on site until 10pm and officers will be speaking to adults to make them aware of the incident and to take appropriate steps to supervise their children.”
Good luck with that.


  1. Pikey scum up to their usual tricks. Why can't their illegally parked vehicles be clamped and towed?

  2. How many times do the public have to laugh their arses off at these police bosses, before they realise they are the butt of the joke?

    Do away with ANYthing that has scrambled egg on their cap, and let the Sergeants and inspectors run the camp!

  3. The Green Party again.
    However, I see that there is a bit infighting amongst the Brighton Greens.
    Difficult to discern what exactly is going on but it seems that there is a split between the Greens who only want to save the planet and the Greens who want to save the planet and adopt a text book left wing agenda in respect of, among other things, unauthorised traveller sites.
    Some of the comments are quite revealing.

  4. "Why can't their illegally parked vehicles be clamped and towed?"

    Because they are protected species.

    "How many times do the public have to laugh their arses off at these police bosses, before they realise they are the butt of the joke?"

    We're paying them. And we'll go on doing it.

    I think the joke's on us!

    "The Green Party again."

    Yes indeed, but with the notable exception of Eric Pickles, no-one else in any other political party seems to think it's an issue... :/

  5. Council security? Sounds a bit oxymoronic to me.
