Monday 12 August 2013

Well, This Is Refreshing!

A fuel thief who lied to a judge in a bid to receive a more lenient sentence has been jailed for 25 months.
He lied by telling Judge Mark Horton he had an apprenticeship lined up with car giant Volvo in the belief he would receive a lighter sentence, Bristol Crown Court heard.
Though the judge queried his paperwork and invited him to withdraw it, Purnell persisted and even enlisted a friend to con a job coach into confirming the placement.
An investigation caught Purnell out and he had to further admit doing an act tended or intending to pervert the course of public justice.

Now, if only all judges were like Judge Horton...
Judge Horton told Purnell: "You are a liar, you are a fraudster and I believe you are a stranger to the truth.
"You have manipulated and defrauded the public and you have misled the prosecution and probation.
"Until I caught you out before this court you were involved in a very clear, planned and deliberate attempt to mislead the court by the creation of false documents."
More please, faster!


  1. Looking at the totality of offences, I think 25 months is lenient even before the attempt to have one over the judge.

    ...and even enlisted a friend

    I wonder what happened to him/her?

    But I agree, at least it's a start. I'm all for slaps on wrists where appropriate but serial and repeat offenders shouldn't ever get just a angry wag of the judge's finger.

  2. We know he won't serve it all, but still, it's a start!
