Friday 16 August 2013

Yeah, Good Luck With That, Chief Superintendent Olisa

The head of Haringey police said: “Since the riots it is the narrative that people in Tottenham are thuggish or bad.
“The truth is that this area is no more dangerous than any other and violent crimes can be committed in any London borough but these are always the minority.
“People who don’t live here may have a bad image of the place but the police want to work with community to change that.”
Meanwhile, the community said ‘Oh yeah? Well, just you watch this..!’


  1. The head of Bongo-Bongo Land police said: “Since the riots it is the narrative that black people in Bongo-Bongo Land are thuggish or bad. “The truth is that this area is no more dangerous than any other black populated area and violent crimes can be committed in any London borough where large numbers of young black men live. “People who do and don't live amongst young black men here may have a bad image of the place but the police want to hire more people from the black community, like me, to change that.”

  2. Best keep this quiet, Julia. That the head of Haringey plod is smarter than his subordinates could trigger panic.

  3. The police strategy in the London Borough of Haringey is to withdraw assets from the relatively low-crime West of the borough by, among other things, closing all police stations in areas not represented by a Labour councillor. Police resources thus freed up are to be switched to the financially and socially parasitic East of the borough. That way, an increase in criminality is certain to occur in the West of the borough to be "balanced" by a faint possibility that crime will reduce in the East.
    Appeals to the GLA and the Home Office are, of course, completely ignored: first because that's the "normal" in our much heralded democracy and second, because Haringey is a Labour fiefdom, the CINOs in office don't really want to mix it with their fellow-progressives out here. Anyway, since the political class has decided that all the trouble in August 2011 was effectively "our" fault for forcing the desperate layabouts and thugs to riot, we are condemned to pay the price through the effective withdrawal of comprehensive police protection.

  4. Another utterly stupid & tiresome comment from MTG.
    As for the subject? Black High ranking police officer talks the same old shite about the usual suspects in the LB Haringey. At least 'they' won't be able to say he's racist'....but I'm sure he'll get called something else.

    Still proof that positive discrimination works in the police service - more to come post Winsor. Cue more white flight and the increased ghettoisation of the UK.

    Shurely a good thing?

  5. Last time I passed through Haringey (and it will be the last ever time) it occurred to me that it might be eligible for foreign aid.

  6. Why do you think this particular person was made Chief Super in that particular borough?

  7. Wasn't young Vic the borough commander in that white bastion of Bexley for about 3 months before being shipped off to Haringey? And he's also a 'Doctor' - of criminology, check out his badly edited Linkedin page - but it has all the expected history from a 'Black' high flyer in the public sector.

    I wondered if he was going to get some help from that other great and noble officer - (Supt) Leroy Logan MBE etc - but sadly for the Met and da commooonittteeee he has retired But don't worry, he continues to ensure that young black people (mainly males) continue to keep their place in society and kill each other while so called leaders earn a nice living from the guilt ridden liberal elite.

    He is a TRUSTEE of REALLITY - Raising​​ Everyone's​​ Awareness of​​ ​​L​ives​​ Lost​​ In ​​The​ Youth. ?????
    And so it it it goes.....

  8. "The head of Bongo-Bongo Land police said.."


    "Appeals to the GLA and the Home Office are, of course, completely ignored..."

    They aren't elected. And they don't live in the areas affected. So, they bear no consequences.

    "Cue more white flight and the increased ghettoisation of the UK."

    I fear you are right.

    "Last time I passed through Haringey (and it will be the last ever time) it occurred to me that it might be eligible for foreign aid."

