Saturday 14 September 2013

Because I Want To Have My Cake And Eat It Too…

Brodie Donegan suffered a terrible tragedy, there’s no question of that.

But her proposed new law is a breathtaking example of cognitive dissonance and sheer, naked demand for her rules to be applied only in the circumstances that favour her...
Two things happened this year. The initial bill was introduced into parliament – without any consultation with me or my family – by reverend Fred Nile. We are pro-choice, and did not want any law to possibly infringe on women’s rights. So my partner and I worked decided to work with our local MP, Chris Spence, to write a law we could support. Zoe’s law is that law.
If you’re wondering how any such law could possibly hope to straddle the finer nuances likely to affect this sort of case, well, wonder no more. It doesn’t even bother:
Many of the hypothetical scenarios floating around by women's lobbies being worried about Zoe's law being a threat to abortion rights are simply not true. Zoe's law would not affect a women’s right to choose to end her pregnancy. It would not affect any actions taken by a disabled mother or underage mother. It would not affect the sale nor use of the abortion pill RU486. It cannot, in any shape or form, charge the mother. It exempts anything done by the mother or with her consent. Even if a mother committed a crime which as a result would harm her baby, she would still not be charged. It also exempts medical procedures and medical professionals assisting a pregnant woman.
In other words, it's a bill that seeks to codify into the law the idea that an unborn child is some kind of 'Schroedinger's Baby' - a formless clump of cells when it suits the mother to demand to be rid of it, and yet simultaneously a fully formed person with rights when the mother doesn't.

What's that..? The father?


Me neither...
Zoe's law works well with existing legislation, and I believe it would help give victims closure and also ensure the offender takes responsibility for their actions.
Unless the offender is the mother. Then, all bets are off.

It is, it must be said, a view shared by many, of which this is but one example:
Kevyn Yong 13 September 2013 9:18am
I personally support Zoe's Law. A fetus should be classified alive from the moment of conception. That fateful day, Zoe was walking with Ms Donegan, although not alongside her. They were hit by an inconsiderate driver under the influence of drugs. While Ms Donegan escaped with a couple of physical injuries, Zoe had lost her life. I feel that whether or not harming the fetus should be considered an offence should depend on whether the harm caused to the fetus was done with or without THE CONSENT OF THE MOTHER. If there is anyone who should decide if a fetus be born into this world, it's the fetus' mother. If the mother seeks abortion, she has given consent for the fetus to be "harmed". The mother should thus be unpunished. However should the mother wish to conceive her child and harm is caused to the fetus, he who has caused harm to the fetus should be punished.
Could there be a better example of the selfish, irresponsible generation the progressives have created than this naked demand for Humpty-Dumpty's rules for words to be applied to the  mechanics of life?


  1. Soon, though perhaps not soon enough, the world is going to implode into the cesspit of idiotology that we are creating. Those of us who are willing and capable will actually find little difference – sure, we may not be able to drive the car any more, and the lights no longer work, but we will adapt and cope, free of the shackles of Nanny. The permanently aggrieved and professional victims, the “Paul from Clerkenwell”s and other tax-suckers are going to find that they are alone; they will no longer be able to get their fix of “Britain’s Strictly X Out of Ice”, and spend their evenings in the dark, staring at a blank screen, unable to comprehend what has happened, as the Buggins’s and jobsworths that have provided them with the milk of the tax-payer having been excised by one means or another, and the whole charade of State will lie in shattered ruins. Sure, it will be hard, and many truly innocent will suffer, but it will be overall of great benefit to the entire human species.

  2. I have a good idea for a law relating to termination of pregnancy.

    Any pregnant woman wanting termination when the reason is not a direct threat to the life of mother or foetus, should have to justify herself in a court of law, especially as to why she failed to practice adequate contraception, or be punished.

  3. xX should have to justify herself in a court of law,XX

    Aye, right "The court can fit you in in .... 18 months or so.... You are not allowed to do ANYTHING until the court date.... WHEN there is no appeal applied for."

  4. DAMN BLOOGER!! I don't know if they accepted the "reply please" request, or not. So... sorry, here it is. JUST to keep Blogger happy.

  5. "My unborn daughter was killed by a driver under the influence, and she deserved recognition separately from me. We want her loss acknowledged, and Zoe's law does that."

    Why? What hell difference is it going to make to anything important other than massaging your loss by creating a virtual shrine to your daughter upon the statute books?

    I don't doubt the personal tragedy but we need to stop this modern phenomenon of allowing the victims and their families to sponsor new laws. Understandably these people are probably at a very low point in their lives and a long way from being objective, rational or balanced. Frankly, these are the last people we should be listening to, most of whom will default to demanding that justice be had, times ten, or a hundred.

    Isn't this becoming ever more like: Everyone deserves to be a celebrity, even if you're not born yet... or at all?

  6. "Soon, though perhaps not soon enough, the world is going to implode into the cesspit of idiotology that we are creating. "

    The decay certainly seems to be accelerating...

    "Aye, right "The court can fit you in in .... 18 months or so.... "


    "Why? What hell difference is it going to make to anything important other than massaging your loss by creating a virtual shrine to your daughter upon the statute books?"

    Clearly, the faded bunches of flowers and cuddly toys slowly decaying in the rain by the side of the road just don't cut it any more...
