Monday 16 September 2013

For A Quiet Life*, The Police Recommend…

…you build absolutely nothing anywhere near anybody.

Well, you didn’t think it was going to stop with nightclubs and corner shops, did you?
Plans for a two-storey, “drive thru” McDonald’s have been given the thumbs down from police who fear it will bring a rise in anti-social behaviour.
So the police now get the chance to veto anything that they feel will make more work for them? Which idiot gave them this option, and why?
The objection to the McDonald’s branch comes after police opposed an alcohol licence for a Twickenham outlet of coffee shop Harris & Hoole earlier this week on similar grounds.
Great! We can all look forward, in future, to being told our only option is to sit at home with a mug of cocoa and the radio on...

* Their quiet life, of course...


  1. Two storeys?

    RAMP JUMP !!!!

  2. The 1200 petition signing residents also wanted a quiet life too.

    The future you can look forward to is local residents and the police taking action to stop anti social behaviour.

    The police can't win whatever they do can they julia?, well they do sometimes but your never ending trawling for negative police stories dosen't show this.

    It's either underclass scum out of control or police out of control, i expect you were confused which slant to put on this story, was it out of control scum stopped before they can start or out of control police.

    You chose police and ignored the residents and the scum and added an invented police recommendation on planning control.

    Julia may i suggest you only pick the best stories to post, instead of gathering as many as you can in a couple of hours and shoving them up cos you have a busy day ahead of you, its hard work reading through several nothing stories to reach the odd jem, and will save you even more time with the highlighter tool.

  3. I sense the square and the compass at work here - someone's vested interests are at risk I suspect ;)

    I'm with Julia, it's not for plod to decide where a business can build, if there's a "risk of antisocial behaviour" then it's down to plod to keep the peace - that's what they are employed to do.

    Is there a 24hr Tesco or the like nearby? If so, did the locals petition against that? I'll wager not!

    I'd like to know what this "antisocial behaviour" consists of? Perfectly normal (if nutritionally challenged) people eat at McDonald's as well as the dross and those who want to use the drive-thru then find a quiet corner of the car park to dine and copulate will be put off by the audience in the upper floor windows anyway.

  4. "... its hard work reading through several nothing stories to reach the odd jem."

    Oh and your ever-so wonderful easy-reading blog with its treasure chest of shiny jewels is where exactly?

    Personally, I hope McDonald's application fails... the site is much better suited for a Bail Hostel or Drug Treatment Drop-in Centre.

  5. "The 1200 petition signing residents also wanted a quiet life too. "

    And do you think their voices held as much sway with the council?

    And no, I wasn't confused which slant to put on this - when the police start to interfere with legitimate businesses because it might make work for them, then they'll have my enmity every time.

    "... if there's a "risk of antisocial behaviour" then it's down to plod to keep the peace - that's what they are employed to do."

    Just so!

    "Personally, I hope McDonald's application fails... the site is much better suited for a Bail Hostel or Drug Treatment Drop-in Centre."

    *chuckles* I do like the way you think! ;)
