Sunday 1 September 2013

Is That A Chicken Drumstick In Your Pocket..?

…or are you just pleased to see me?
Darryl Ryan, 39, of Tennyson House, Grimsby, admitted handling stolen meat, valued at £30.74, taken from Spar and the Co-operative, on August 4.
Rebecca Dolby, prosecuting, said police searched Ryan after spotting him carrying a bag in Station Road, New Waltham. He had stolen items in his trousers and jacket.
Sentence on Ryan, a reformed drug addict, was deferred for three months so he can prove he can stay out of trouble.
Well, good luck with that...


  1. Straight out of Filthy, Rich and Catflap:
    Richie: Eddie - how did you fit all that meat into your trousers?
    Eddie: That's what all the girls say, Richie!

  2. He'd better go back on his drugs.

  3. Spar and the Co-operative?

    Is this chap real? What's wrong with M&S or Waitrose? If you're going to steal at least go for the good stuff you twit.

  4. Well, quite! It's like doing a jewellery heist at H Samuel!
