Thursday 19 September 2013

No Wonder The Police Get Disheartened…

A drug user set his dog on a police officer who was searching his home. The pet, believed to be a cross between a Staffordshire bull terrier and a Labradorlifted it by the collar and said: "Go on then."
This happened in Davies's Chaddesden flat after officers arrived to search it for drugs.
They found up to £1,250-worth of heroin, Derby Crown Court heard. 
Open and shut case, destruction of the dog, prison sentence for…

Oh. Wait:
Judge Jonathan Gosling said he would suspend an eight-month jail sentence because the offence took place more than a year ago and Davies was responding well to a drug rehabilitation programme.
I… Seriously? We can pursue other cases no matter how long ago, yet with this one, we get leniency?
Ordering Davies to pay PC Horsley £250 in compensation, Judge Gosling said: "That's not to say the injury doesn't merit more than that, but you cannot afford more."


  1. He can afford heroin but not compensation. Scratch head.

  2. I hope to hell if I get a speeding fine, I'm charged what I can afford (which is nowt)

  3. I hope that if I get fined for something (speeding most likely) I'm fined only what I can afford too (which is nowt).

  4. XX The pet, believed to be a cross between a Staffordshire bull terrier and a Labradorlifted it by the collar and said: "Go on then." XX

    Fuck me, a talking dog!

    And WHAT did it lift by the collar?

  5. The dog bit off the officer's watch and left a puncture wound, bruising and scratches on his arm. PC Horsley said he was in "excruciating pain".

    The coppers must've gone a bit soft since I were a lad? Back then the dog would've been biten back.

  6. Surely it's not the job of the court to protect criminals from the consequences of their actions? If he gets done for this he'd be less likely to reoffend because actions might bite him in the bum in the future...

  7. Back then the dog would've been biten back

    Sorry, that should read 'cop' obviously. I blame the lack of free school meals for my lack of concentration. Oh, and Gordon Brown - whom I blame for everything!

  8. John... No. It was correct the first time.

    Go and have some steamed spotted dick with watery custard!

  9. "He can afford heroin but not compensation. Scratch head."

    I guess you have to have a finely-honed legal mind to understand that one..!

    "Fuck me, a talking dog!"


    "The coppers must've gone a bit soft since I were a lad? Back then the dog would've been biten back."


    "Surely it's not the job of the court to protect criminals from the consequences of their actions?"

    Where have you been for the last 20 years? ;)
