Sunday 15 September 2013

You Should Have Seen The One That Got Away!

…it was a .50cal at least!
A suitcase containing guns has been pulled out of the river at Port Meadow by a fisherman.
What sort? Well, we can’t know that:
Forensic specialists are examining the firearms to determine how long they had been in the river and who they may have belonged to. The police would not confirm what type of weapons were found.
I wonder why not?


  1. It was a sniper rifle. It was in a different paper, but I can't remember which now.

    It was the fisherman who confirmed it in the other story.

  2. Well they do say firearms , but gun makes for a better headline than say
    air-gun as this quite plainly was

    Gun found stuck in the mud in Erith also note the hi-tech recovery device to wit a bent coat hanger

    Although Bucko above says it's been confirmed as a 'sniper rifle' to which I would add the caveat. a rifle with a telescopic sight attached does not make it a 'sniper rifle' Which even if you could buy one start at several thousand pounds for the base model

  3. This is the story I was thinking of. It might be a different one.

  4. @Pavlov's Cat.You can buy them but not in the U.K. an Accuracy International .308 rifle retails for around $4.000 in the States, they are made in Portsmouth on the south coast, they do make extremely accurate snipers rifles with accurate ranges of over 1,500 meters but they are not shown on their site, I have it on good authority the start at 20K and go up.....

  5. "..also note the hi-tech recovery device to wit a bent coat hanger .."


    "...I have it on good authority the start at 20K and go up..."


  6. XX Bucko The Moose said...

    This is the story I was thinking of. It might be a different one.

    15 September 2013 19:18 XX

    That is a standard bolt action hunting rifle. As to "Hitman", I have yet to see a report where a hitman used a basic hunting rifle, to "Snipe" his target, Especially in Europe. It MAY happen elsewhere, Middle East, the Mafia in the U.S, or in Columbia, or somewhere, but here...FUCK OFF! :-D

  7. XX Gun found stuck in the mud in Erith XX

    THAT is a wierd bastard.

    Scope but no stock, half the furniturs missing, a pump action, vented barrel, no apparant place for the magazine....WTF!?!?

    Looks like Mad mick the smiths attempt at a gun has gone horribly wrong.

  8. "THAT is a wierd bastard."

    A reference to your parrot, Furor?

  9. I have a recipe for Parrot...

    Gives great satisfaction to be able to use the line §THIS is a dead parrot!"
