Wednesday 13 November 2013

A News Report That Poses More Questions Than It Answers…

Officers were called to Hovefields Avenue after being alerted by a member of the public to a man in a digger demolishing the wall of an unauthorised pitch known as Hatchertang.
A resident from the area who would not be named said: “There was a big group of people down by the plot watching. A bloke drove down and knocked down the wall. You can only think he is having some trouble with the owner.
“A police car then shot down the lane at great speed and was there in about ten minutes.”
Gosh! And this one even had police in it!
According to residents, a police car had been parked opposite the house since Friday evening, but with no officers in it.
Essex Police would only say the car was there for “operational reasons,” but the force has been known to park cars in areas to act as a deterrent when intelligence suggests problems could arise.
I’m astounded it could be left there and still be drivable after two days, frankly.
A spokeswoman said: “Police received reports of a disturbance at around 4.30pm on Sunday. Officers attended and found a large group of people.
“There appeared to be damage to a wall and fencing, but it was not clear when it had been caused. We have passed it to neighbourhood police officers who will be trying to get in contact with the owner to see if any offences have been committed.”
I suspect you won’t have much luck.


  1. Whats the betting that no-one gets arrested for this little escapade, because the 'victim' won't want to press charges, and despite that probably not having any legal significance that the police will therefore heave a sigh of relief and drop the whole thing like a hot potato?

    Whereas if I demolished my neighbour's wall with digger or suchlike I would be arrested on the spot for criminal damage whatever my neighbour's opinion?

  2. Of course! You aren't a protected species!

  3. Before I even read the linked newspaper report my first thoughts were 'this sounds like Pikeys', and sadly I was right.
