Monday 11 November 2013

And Just How Does This 'Protect The Public'..?

The magistrates described the incident on May 19 last year* as horrendous but...
You knew there'd be one, didn't you?
...spared sending him straight to prison.
And why not? After all, he only had two previous convictions for drink-driving and several for breaching court orders and failing to stop. And he'd only jumped a red light, ploughed into an innocent motorist, then roared off.

Why, in Manchester, I suppose that counts as a normal day's driving...
Court chairman John Cooper said the Bench had seriously considered imposing an immediate prison sentence.
He added: “But we didn’t think that after the discount for your early guilty pleas the punishment would have been severe enough. You have shown remorse but we have to protect the public.”

*I'm hoping that's a misprint, and they really meant 'this year'. The alternative doesn't bear thinking about...

H/T: Wiggia via email


  1. XX He added: “But we didn’t think that after the discount for your early guilty pleas the punishment would have been severe enough.XX

    Maybe sais more about how soft it is in Strangeways these days, that living free in Manchester is considered a worse punishment.
