Sunday 3 November 2013

Assault With A Deadly….Reptile?

A father-of-four threw a lizard at a man in a revenge attack, a court heard yesterday.
We aren’t told what type. Of lizard, I mean. I think we can guess what type of ‘father of four’ we’re dealing with here…
“The defendant walked off to a nearby park, where he was seen sitting quietly with the lizard on his shoulder,” said Lynsey Knott, prosecuting in Nottingham.
When put inside a police van, Dunn urinated in the rear and spat at a police officer.
There’s no mention of how the lizard behaved, though we can only assume it was a lot better…
Miss Knott said Dunn told police he launched the attack because the man had assaulted him several years earlier. A nine-month prison term, suspended for two years, was imposed on Dunn, of Clifford Avenue, Beeston.
Steve Ramsell, in mitigation, said Dunn had a series of problems and had been drinking on the day of the offences.
Bit of an understatement there...


  1. It presumably wasn't a monitor lizard.

  2. Bunny

    I am surprised the RSPCA has not been involved for cruelty to lizards, was the lizard taken into care?

  3. He's not a David Icke enthusiast because he didn't think to blame the lizard for instructing him.

  4. "Dunn had a series of problems"

    No, it's decent people that have a series of problems: that scum like this are permitted to roam the street; that the perjuring filth in wigs aren't dying on the gallows; that we are still having to subsidise these sickening vermin.

    That is enough problems for anyone,

  5. What happened to the days when magistrates would say that being drunk may be a reason for anti social behaviour but would not be accepted as an excuse? Huge fines, or minor custodial sentences in lieu - the answer for those on benefits - and media publicity with photos seemed to offer a suitable punishment and an incentive to behave.

  6. I keep wondering where the lizard was when he was in the pub.

  7. "It presumably wasn't a monitor lizard."

    Heh! I'm guessing iguana, the most common docile pet species.

    "He's not a David Icke enthusiast because he didn't think to blame the lizard for instructing him."


    "I keep wondering where the lizard was when he was in the pub."

    Perhaps he bought it a lemonade and a pkt of crisps & left it outside?
