Tuesday 5 November 2013

Call The Whaaaaaaambulance!

Paul McClelland was arrested in King’s Road, Brighton, after shoplifting from Sainsbury’s in Western Road, Brighton.
Footage revealed by The Argus showed that the 37-year-old of SiIlwood Place, Brighton, was kicked in the back of the leg by an officer after he had been stunned.
An internal investigation by the force into the officer’s conduct ruled that its employee was in line with its policies.
But lawyers acting on behalf of Mr McClelland have now issued a formal complaint to the force claiming the force was “excessive and disproportionate”.
'Lawyers acting for..'? What sort of lunatic ambulance-chasing, no-shame-at-all outfit could possibly think this case is a winner?
Sophie Khan, legal director of Police Action Centre...
Oh. Of course.
...said: “The Police Action Centre have lodged a complaint on behalf of the man tasered by Sussex Police on July 5.
“The use of force was excessive and disproportionate as he did not pose an immediate risk to the officers at the scene or the wider public.
“The police officers failed to carry out their duties to a requisite standard necessary to safeguard the man’s welfare and as a result the man suffered injuries to his face and arms.”
Let's hope this one finds a very unsympathetic judge.

H/T: InspGadget (now back on Twitter)


  1. Bunny

    How about one round to the back of the head as being appropriate and for the petty criminal too.

  2. This jkind of thing happens because there are no consequences for the lawyers involved in wasting everybody's time.

    If you waste Police time or pervert the course of justice you can easily end up spending time in jail.

    How about we grant courts the powers to convict lawyers who clearly piss about with "wasting the court's time"

    If there were consequences available for this kind of obvious jerking about there would be less of it.

  3. Sophie Khan - say no more.

  4. "Let's hope this one finds a very unsympathetic judge."

    And the chances are . . . . ?

  5. "How about one round to the back of the head as being appropriate and for the petty criminal too."


    "This jkind of thing happens because there are no consequences for the lawyers involved in wasting everybody's time."

    We live in a total 'no consequences' society. Ain't it grand?

    "And the chances are . . . . ?"

    Slim... :/

  6. Sophie Khan has a face you would never get tired of slapping.
