Monday 18 November 2013

Ordinary Heroes…

Martin Griffiths, a consultant vascular and trauma surgeon at the Royal London hospital, has spent the past decade visiting schools to lecture on the dangers of carrying a weapon.
Mr Griffiths works with young Londoners in Enfield under the council’s “call-in” scheme to give a second chance to attackers facing court. He hopes to expand his work, drafting in medical students from the Royal London, to Newham and Tower Hamlets.
He has some very unwelcome messages for the progressives:
“Most of our victims are young, ” Mr Griffiths said.
“There wouldn’t be many over 25. Most of them are male. Most of them are from ethnic groups, either Asian lads, Afro-Caribbeans or Africans, Eastern Europeans from Newham. ”
It won't come as a surprise, will it? But his other conclusions just might:
He terms gang violence a “disease” , and says it should to be treated as a public health priority.
“I think it’s tragic that we see so many people who have been stabbed for so little reason,” he said.
“It’s very rarely something significant. If it’s a large amount of money you are more likely to be shot.”
It is, indeed, a hallmark of most underclass stabbings that they are stereotypically over utter trivialities and never over anything significant. Which makes the high-profile celeb-lead campaigns as baffling to me as they are to Mr Griffiths.
He wants “ordinary heroes” to take responsibility for their communities.
“What I’m very keen to do is generate a cohort of people who are just regular people, who are not footballers or pop stars. I’m always a little bit troubled by having your beacon as an ex-gang member or ex-criminal. I don’t think they are the role models we should be looking towards. We should be looking towards ordinary heroes. If you live your life and stay in your community and support your community, that is my idea of a hero.
Well said!
“I hope I’m an inspiration to my nephews. They see their Uncle Martin and I’m not a gang member and I’m not a criminal. I'm just a regular Joe. I didn't go to a fancy school. I didn’t come from money. I had a good mother and a good network at home. I’m very happy in what I do. I want to give that back. ”
Gosh, what a refreshing lack of blame for society and emphasis on personal responsibility there! His words will not be welcomed by the progressives...


  1. "He wants “ordinary heroes” to take responsibility for their communities. "
    They used to be called "Fathers", but the feminist, equalitarian Left decided that the married, heterosexual family was the root of all evil, as well as a barrier against the intrusion of the State into peoples private lives, and had to be abolished.

  2. It's a pity he thinks this is a 'public health' issue. That must be where the funding is these days. It seems that term covers an awful lot...

  3. "I had a good mother and a good network at home"
    Says it all really. No mention of the sperm donor.

    He advocates going defenceless in an armed hostile world.
    A good idea ?

  4. So, he's spent a decade telling people who use knives on each other how to inflict the most damage.


    Useful Idiots - they're Everywhere.

  5. "They used to be called "Fathers".."

    Which, as anon points out, Griffiths himself lacked. Didn't stop him.

    "It's a pity he thinks this is a 'public health' issue. That must be where the funding is these days. "

    Sadly, yes. You have to talk the talk.

    "He advocates going defenceless in an armed hostile world.
    A good idea ?"

    No, actually.

    "Useful Idiots - they're Everywhere."

    They keep breeding!
