Wednesday 6 November 2013

The Advances Of Science Meet The Entitlement Generation…

Hadley Freeman on a woman who is, in her own words, ‘increasingly typical of her generation’:
When researchers from the Guttmacher Institute asked the women who accidentally became pregnant why they eschewed contraception, answers ranged from the self-deluding ("a perceived invulnerability to pregnancy") to the predictable ("lack of thought or preparation", dislike of contraceptive methods) to the absolutely infuriating ("male partner's objections and fear that pregnancy prevention is an indication of infidelity").
Ah, ladies! Have all those Sixties dreams about relief from unwanted pregnancy come to this?
Another factor I have noticed is that some young women resent having to shoulder the responsibility for contraception. Why, these women ask, and not unreasonably, are they the ones who have to take a hormonal pill every day, or have something stuck up inside them? Let the guy deal with it from now on!
Well, I hate to point to an obvious reason but…the chaps don’t get pregnant. You do.
While researching this story, I emailed Mary and asked after Holly, her younger sister and fellow Period Tracker devotee. Her baby's due this spring.
I’d laugh. If only I could stop weeping…


  1. The Blocked Dwarf6 November 2013 at 11:31

    "women who accidentally became pregnant why they eschewed contraception,"

    "Women who accidentally had flown through the windscreen why they eschewed wearing a seatbelt"

    "women who accidentally received self inflicted GSWs why they eschewed engaging the Safety ,"

    Anyone who thinks they 'accidentally' or 'unwantedly' became pregnant after unprotected sex should be forced to have a hysterectomy. No one that stupid should be allowed to possess a uterus.

  2. Sex and pregnancy are as natural as life and death. Along came contraception, initially hailed as a freedom for women and a matter of choice; now it seems that it is no longer a matter of choice, women are ignorant fools if they do not use contraception. Roll on the right to die.

  3. " Let the guy deal with it from now on!"
    Because why should women have to take responsibility for anything? Am I right?

  4. But why go to the bother of using contraception when abortion on demand is so freely available...

  5. The Blocked Dwarf6 November 2013 at 18:56

    "But why go to the bother of using contraception when abortion on demand is so freely available...

    Have to admit to a bit of schadenfreude watching the FemNazis squirm recently when they had to defend a Woman's ABSOLUTE UNALIENABLE 'Right To Choose' to abort a FEMALE baby simply because it had the wrong gender!

    Unworthy of me I know but it was still satisfying to hear them squirm.

  6. Bunny

    Or in the UK a flat and an income for the next eighteen years are on demand.

  7. 'Why do you want to be called Loretta'?
    'Because I want to have babies'...............etc

  8. "No one that stupid should be allowed to possess a uterus. "

    Spot on!

    "Because why should women have to take responsibility for anything? Am I right?"

    That does seem to be the overriding message that feminists give out these days.

    "Unworthy of me I know but it was still satisfying to hear them squirm."

    I had extra popcorn delivered for that one.

    But in the end, it seems they found it all too easy..
