Tuesday 12 November 2013

The Sergeant Is Likely To Be Sent To Specsavers…

A man who fooled a police sergeant into believing that a TV remote control was a gun is likely to be sent to a psychiatric unit, York Crown Court heard.

TV Remote


Yes, they look just the same!
Prosecuting, Helen Wheatley, said: “From the way the defendant was holding the item and the fact that the item was partially covered and obscured and the gestures the defendant was making at the time, the police officer had a genuine belief .... that that is what the defendant had.”
So, all you have to do for the fuzz to take you seriously as a gun-toting menace is make the ‘right’ gestures with something vaguely not at all gun-shaped?


  1. Oh I don't know?

    TV Remotes ... Table legs in bags .. White sticks .. you can't be too careful!

  2. Thank you for the warning. I really must not brush my hair near the window.

  3. Clearly the guy thought he was watching one of those fly on the wall police docs and was trying to switch to another channel...

  4. i got it na but can u run the blind cain an sord agane

  5. "TV Remotes ... Table legs in bags .. White sticks .. you can't be too careful!"


  6. If it HAD been a gun, how many seconds would YOU need to react, and how many seconds does it need for HIM to squeeze the trigger?

    YOU make the call next time.

  7. Nice one Melvin,a real contribution to the debate.

  8. Your two misfortunes were to be born too early in the wrong Country, mein Furor.

    Overkill is now the American norm and 'idiots packing heat' come at a premium.
