Thursday 5 December 2013

Police Taser, Then Shoot, The Wrong Animal…

Dean Smith spent more than two weeks in hospital after being mauled by the banned Pit Bull breed in Burslem. He suffered extensive mouth, face and ear injuries after the dog clamped its jaw around his neck.
Serves him right for choosing such an unruly bitch to spend his time with.

No, not the pit bull:
Davenport, of Davenport Street, Middleport, admitted owning an illegal fighting dog on June 13, on the basis that she did not know its breed. She also admitted a charge of being drunk and disorderly on August 21 and was in breach of a suspended prison sentence following an affray in July 2012.
She was sentenced to a 12-month community order with supervision and a six-month alcohol treatment requirement order.


  1. XX in breach of a suspended prison sentence following an affray in July 2012..........

    She was sentenced to a 12-month community order XX

    So, basically, a "suspended sentence," means FUCK all!

    Give the Magistrates and Judges suspended sentences.... by the neck from lamp posts, and let the citizens sort the legal system out!

    I am sure there will be so many "suspended sentences" that you will loose count.

  2. I'd be happy to put in the time though!
