Monday 3 February 2014

Because It's Not Like The Name Was A Clue, Or Anything..

Recording a drugs-related death verdict, East Lancashire Coroner Richard Taylor said Mr Cameron clearly could not have expected that the drug would have had that effect on him when he initially consumed it.
The coroner should really have a 'death which improved society a little bit' verdict for these cases...


  1. Fuck.

    Wrong Cameron.

  2. My thought too, Rightwinggit.

    Also, at the risk of going to hell for saying it, this really is a tragi-comedy that has improved the national gene pool.

    Who'da thunk that a drug going by the soubriquet 'Dr. Death' or even 'Killer', could have any danger associated with it?

  3. Taking a sideways view, I could see some sense in legalisation and regulation. Oh bu**er, I almost forgot that I'm supposed to be a Libertarian. Stuck between a rock and a hard place. Gates of Vienna have a news item about the Somali child adopted by a lesbian couple. Same difference, really, free to do drugs with dangers, or free to do drugs with protection. Our shop bought cabbages are subject to enormous regulation. F*u*k, that Doctor Drivel really works. 😵

  4. "Wrong Cameron."

    I know ... :(

    "...this really is a tragi-comedy that has improved the national gene pool."

    More please, faster!

    "Oh bu**er, I almost forgot that I'm supposed to be a Libertarian."

    That's OK... ;)
