Tuesday 25 March 2014

The Curious Incident Of The ‘Chemical Attack'…

Bromley police have said two females, aged 13 and 14, have been bailed until April 25 following an incident at Beaverwood School in Beaverwood Road. News Shopper received a report yesterday afternoon claiming nine girls were sprayed in the face with a chemical substance in the playground at around 11am - and it was said the girls had been targeted by a fellow pupil.
Robbie Nicolson, 43, is the uncle of one of the alleged victims. He told News Shopper: "The girls were in the school playground and one girl has gone round spraying nine other girls in the face.
"When my niece's mum found out she went straight down there.
"There was skin peeling off her face. She was taken to Queen Mary's Hospital." A police spokesman confirmed attending the scene and that medical attention was required.
But the school doesn't seem concerned:
Beaverwood School headteacher Karen Raven said: "Beaverwood School For Girls is proud of the calm and sensible way in which yesterday’s isolated incident was dealt with by students and staff.
"It is business as usual for the school community as exams are underway.
"At break time, a teenager randomly sprayed a can, the contents of which accidently caught some of her friends.
"Only one student was treated in hospital. No other students were involved.
"The school continues to take all appropriate actions."
So, ‘nothing to see here, move along, nothing happened’..?
Kerry Finch, 30, of Mottingham Road, said the Chislehurst school failed to inform her about Tuesday's incident until hours after it had happened.
She added they failed to take her daughter, whose "whole face was completely burned", to hospital.
She told News Shopper: "The school neglected to call for three hours after my daughter’s face had been burned.
"I jumped in my car and went down there.
"When I got there her whole face was completely burned, her cheeks were blistered. "The teachers neglected their duties.

"They had no right to delay my daughter's treatment for three hours. Maybe then she wouldn't have blistered on the cheeks.
"She was left in a room with a tissue. "
So, what did happen? I guess we’ll have to wait until 25th April…