Saturday 14 June 2014

A Beta Male Is Heard From…

For what other way to describe Alexander White?
My daughter is just 14 months old. My partner and I love her with all our heart …
Not enough to get married and legitimise her, though?
Like all fathers, I want her to grow up happy and healthy.
Admirable! So then…what concerns you?
I'm worried that she may grow up discriminated against, be the victim of violence, develop mental health problems or an eating disorder, suffer depression or have a distorted body-image. The #yesallwomen hashtag, which took off on Twitter over the last week, makes me worried for her future.
You’re worried because there’s a hashtag panic on? Man up, FFS!
She's going to grow up in a world that is saturated with sexualised images of women and girls. As #yesallwomen shows, she will grow up in a world where girls and women are constantly barraged with sexism and misogyny.
No. She won’t. Because the picture you are receiving of the world, as a consequence of having your head stuck up your arse feverishly pressing ‘refresh’ on Twitter, is one that no-one in the real world would even recognise
If these ads were a pollutant or toxin in the air, and exposure to them caused eating disorders in young girls, they would be subject to strict regulation.
And if my auntie had balls she’d be my uncle, but she doesn’t so she isn’t. And these ads aren’t pollutants or toxins, so they aren’t subject to the sort of regulation you want and hopefully, they never will be.
I recognise that I am something of a Johnny-come-lately to this issue. Amazing women and women's groups have campaigned to raise awareness about the sexualisation of young girls and women for years. Dr Jean Kilbourne is just one inspiring woman who has done amazing work over three decades. I hope that as a father, I can add my voice to theirs.
Why bother? Clearly, you’ve already mated, so there’s really no point in hanging around these females any longer.

I mean, that is why you are adopting this posture?


  1. Humm, a fence sitter that wants the best of both worlds without ant commitment to anything or anyone - a sad case indeed. That does raise the question as to why anyone should, a) listen to him and b) even consider what he has to say.

    But this lack of commitment appears to be the norm with the loony leftie nutters that make up the PC brigade today.

  2. A typical autocastrating new man.

  3. As we all know, there was no sex before the Internet.

    It could have been worse. Alexander White could have had a son who ended up like him - a puling, hand wringing, bed-wetting little girl of a man who'd get the living shit kicked out of him at school.

    Instead, he has a little princess, whose naughty bits will be lusted after by fiendish men as she grows into a woman. How dare those men gaze on her ripened, pert breasts! Imagine, can you, what they want to do to those silky, 17-year-old thighs in 2030. They will want to roughly part them and get at the treasures within.

    Do us all a favour, White, have your rape sausage cut off and replaced with something less misogynistic. Only then can you drink deep from the well of a woman's misery.

    One final strategy to preserve her precious maidenhood - turn your daughter into an ugly fat gunt. Think Jo Brand.

  4. What a dickhead!

    That's all I've got

  5. "Instead, he has a little princess, whose naughty bits will be lusted after by fiendish men as she grows into a woman. ...."

    If only that particular paragraph had ended there.

  6. Twenty_Rothmans14 June 2014 at 15:55

    My partner and I love her with all our heart

    Assuming he's not married, not enough to prevent her from being born illegitimate.

  7. You can understand why some girls are drawn to savages: at least they have some bloody testosterone.

  8. Bunny

    Forced adoption seems to have its benefits.

  9. "I'm worried that she may grow up discriminated against, be the victim of violence . . . "

    Too late mate. In some 'communities', that's already happening. Just don't look to the authorities for help. With a surname to go with your face, you are already marked as a racist, and they will say that, she would have been; "asking for it !"

    I just bet you feel so enriched ?

  10. Which 'posture' are you referring to Julia? On his knees with his arse in the air perchance?

  11. Lynne at Counting Cats16 June 2014 at 11:00

    Alexander White is clearly a pseudonym for Harriet Harman and I claim my ten quid.

  12. "But this lack of commitment appears to be the norm with the loony leftie nutters..."


    "It could have been worse. Alexander White could have had a son who ended up like him..."

    We can but give thanks... ;)

    "Too late mate. In some 'communities', that's already happening."

    Good point!

    "Alexander White is clearly a pseudonym for Harriet Harman and I claim my ten quid."

