Thursday 4 September 2014

Information, Information, Information…

…about ‘education, education, education’:
The GCSE results of the borough’s individual schools will not be released this year in an unusual move agreed by head-teachers.
Although some schools, including Northumberland Park, St Thomas More, and Gladesmore, were keen to boast about their good grades, many schools chose to keep the numbers under wraps.
In a joint statement, Patrick Cozier, Highgate Wood headteacher and chair of the Haringey Secondary Schools (HSSF) Forum, and Helen Anthony, Fortismere headteacher and HSSF vice-chair, said: “As a family of Haringey schools, we very much wanted the focus of this year’s results to be on celebrating the successes of all of our students.
“It would be a real shame for the hard work and fantastic achievements of students to be reduced to a simple ‘league table’ approach, which takes no notice of the different challenges faced by different schools, pits schools against each other and goes against the spirit of borough-wide recognition of Haringey’s young people.”
Translation: “We're crap, and we desperately need to hide this fact...”


  1. I love the "fantastic achievements", as with modern "teaching", most results are indeed a fantasy.

  2. “We're crap, and we desperately need to hide this fact...”

    You've summed it up so succinctly that there isn't much room left for comment, other than I yearn for the days when teachers were there to teach, and not to act as politically-inspired social engineers...

    ...and engineers of a failed and discredited ideology, at that.

  3. The problem is Ted, they are failed engineers trying to uphold a failed system.

  4. Ted, I recall asking one of my teachers how he votes. The response was immediate and rather stern. He said that he COULD not reveal that information. He went on to deliver a short lecture on the impartiality of school teachers. I was probably 13 then, I am 60 now, just so you can date this. How much has changed in education. My sister, five years older than me, was a teacher. She tried to teach while these changes were happening. Her nervous breakdown at age 55 is related. Her ridiculous political and philosophical views are probably related too. Thank the Lord this happened before Common Purpose existed, she would be even more insufferable. I still love her though, she's my sister, twisted by having been a teacher.

  5. "You've summed it up so succinctly that there isn't much room left for comment.."


    "I was probably 13 then, I am 60 now, just so you can date this. How much has changed in education."

    Amen! And very little of it for the better...
