Friday 5 September 2014

Selective Outrage…

Zoe Williams on a controversy that’s passed me by:
In Australia Aldi has taken Roald Dahl’s Revolting Rhymes off the shelves for its injudicious use of the word “slut” (which is to say, Dahl used the word at all). I know what you’re thinking: how come their Aldi sells Roald Dahl? My one only has Haribos and frozen vegetables.
However, the much more important question is, what’s wrong with the word “slut”?
OK, I’ve got my nonplussed face on here. It seems Zoe’s annoyed that Aldi took the book off the shelves due to what she sees as people getting outraged over nothing.
The worst thing in the world, in my view, is the ad hoc creation of a taboo without proper discussion.
Excellent! I look forward to your views on bacon and children’s pyjamas, then, Zoe. Or do you just care about wimmiz isshoos?


  1. However, the much more important question is, what’s wrong with the word “slut”?

    Quite. After all, Dahl was ordered by his publishers to tone down 'jizz-gargling whore' and his chosen replacement of 'semen cuspidor' was similarly rejected.

    We should jump on Zoe Williams's bandwagon - because you wouldn't want to jump on anything else of hers.

    But someone once told me that a key that can open any lock is a good key, and a lock that accepts any key is bloody useless.

    Only when a woman's charms are not valued as a scarce commodity can this sexist, patriarchal viewpoint be put to rest.

    So come on girls, rut like beasts of the field on demand. Liberate yourselves. I counted at least ten women in the restaurant I was at earlier whom I could have helped.

  2. Ancient+Tattered Airman5 September 2014 at 20:16

    The word slut was used in the middle English period and for 100s of years since. I fail to see any valid objection to the use of the word.

  3. "But someone once told me that a key that can open any lock is a good key, and a lock that accepts any key is bloody useless."

