Friday 21 November 2014

Errr, Thanks. I Think…

Andrew Gilligan, the Mayor’s cycling commissioner, said that coach parking spaces would be relocated but there would be a net loss - and Londoners’s (sic) would get a world-class cycle route in their place.
Gosh. Fewer tourists vs more cyclists. What a dilemma..!


  1. Methinks every city could do with more cyclysts flouting the road rules and contributing fuckall to the mainentaince towards the pit holes they deftly avoid.Arse.

  2. Yes FS, because as soon as you kick a leg over a bicycle you imediately become exempt from paying all taxes, income tax, VAT, road tax on your car and motorcycle etc.


  3. what are the cyclists actually doing - apart from riding around.
    What is their purpose?
    If to work - how is their work to be supplied?

  4. Treat all road vehicle users the same whether they have one or twenty wheels; ensure they at least know what the rules of the road are, are identifiable by number plates for when they transgress those rules and they are insured for any accident they are involved in whether they cause it or not.

    However, I wouldn't go so far as a road tax for cyclists, but if they want exclusive sections of the road, let them pay a toll on that.

  5. "Methinks every city could do with more cyclysts flouting the road rules and contributing fuckall to the mainentaince towards the pit holes they deftly avoid.Arse."

    Yeah, on second thoughts, I'll take the tourists!

    "However, I wouldn't go so far as a road tax for cyclists, but if they want exclusive sections of the road, let them pay a toll on that."

    Now THERE'S an idea!
