Monday 3 November 2014

Should I See A Police Officer Getting His Head Kicked In By Three Thugs…

…I now know exactly what to say:
We had called the police and eventually (too late) six officers turned up basically saying they couldn’t really do anything.
“Sorry, officer, I can’t really do anything.” *strolls off, whistling*


  1. If Fickleness were a religion, you would be its High Priestess, Julia.

  2. The Blocked Dwarf3 November 2014 at 11:37

    I would think that on a personal level that several of those police officers would have quite cheerfully have headed off, found and shot the dogs on the spot, then arrested the owner for Non-Possession (of a brain cell). But they are bound by the law and if they said there was nothing they could really do then I'd assume the law was at fault not the policemen.

    What did the Owner actually expect them to do? The last person who could raise the dead and heal the dying lived some 2000 years ago in Israel.

    Don't get me wrong, we have just such a 'community cat' in our street, "Doug", he 'talks' to everyone. I'd be heartbroken if anything happened to him and the Bestes Frau In The World would probably relapse and end up back in the Secure Ward. But the damage was done and if the law 'allows' dog owners to get away with this kind of thing then that's not the fault of the cops is it?

    On another note, how the FUCK did they manage to get SIX (6) officers attending?!? I've witnessed arrests for violent knife crime with fewer!

  3. Sorry Joolz, but I really am failing to see the correlation between a couple of dogs being.. Well dogs, and "If a copper was getting his head kicked in by 3 yobs...".???

    So what do you suggest the Police do Joolz? Arrest the dogs and put them on trial? Arrest the owner?? Great idea Joolz, do you also believe if my 4 y.o manages to slip a pack of sweets into his pocket without me seeing, should I also be arrested and brought before the beak?

    B.D, 6 officers attending, this seems to now be standard practice. It must be about 10 years ago, and I was accompanying a lady friend to her house, and up pulled the van outside with about 10 police all in "Robocop gear to carry out an arrest warrant for her son for a string of motoring offences. He no longer lived there, and was in London at the time, but they were about to take the door off it's hinges when she said "Hold up I have the keys". They searched the house and found he wasn't there. I said "Bit over the top isn't it, for motoring offences?". When up swaggers Constable Cuntface with the big chip on his shoulder, threatening to arrest me for interfering in the course of their duties crap. I just gave him the "Oh really, good luck with that one sunshine" look. At this point Police Sgt comes over, and gives him the "Stop being a twat, and get back in the van" look. He then says "We have to these days, it's Police policy when dealing with druggies".

  4. Not your strongest anti story Julia. What "leads" have the police got with identifying the dog owner? As for turning up too late-the days of one on every street corner are long gone.The PC was being realistic about the chances of catching him,I don't like to give false hope either.

  5. @ WC Jaded
    "I don't like to give false hope either."

    I refer you to JuliaM's next topic. Please do not cling to false hope of citizen aid when you are having your skull kicked in by thugs. It must be assumed this area of your body will sustain the least damage in a deserved thrashing.

    Risking one's arrest; the prospect of facing criminal charges for affray, and ultimately the loss of an honest job, cannot be justified. Certainly not for the likes of you.

  6. The King of the internet has spoken,all hail the ramblings of mad Melvin.
    I won't give you false hope either-your lawnmower is gone for ever.

  7. "...-your lawnmower is gone for ever."

    I do hope so, Jaded. The new Japanese technology transforms lawn maintenance from chore to delight.

  8. "But they are bound by the law and if they said there was nothing they could really do..."

    Why so eager to assume they a) know the law and b) aren't lazy bastards?

    "On another note, how the FUCK did they manage to get SIX (6) officers attending?!"

    I wondered that. I suspect some were 'Noddy Police', rather than real cops.

    Although possibly Budvar's example may be valid here, if they were calling in on their way somewhere.

    "Sorry Joolz, but I really am failing to see the correlation between a couple of dogs being.. Well dogs..."

    Dogs must be kept under control. These weren't. That's an offence, is it not?

    "The PC was being realistic about the chances of catching him..."

    And his five colleagues were there for...what?
