Tuesday 18 November 2014

The Modern Day Duellist

A barber was stabbed to death in an arranged fight with a friend who is said to have been angry at being called "a divvy", a court was told.
It’s not quite ‘Walk 10 paces’, is it?

And they don’t seem to have brought seconds.
Closed circuit television pictures played to the jury show both men heading for the 11.30pm showdown on The Greenway, Thorntree, on May 8 this year.
Shouldn’t it have been 12 noon?

*hums ‘Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling*


  1. And, if the you are the challenger, it's not bring your own. The party to whom you have made the challenge gets to pick (and supply) the weapons.

  2. There's a rather sweet Darwinnowing going on here.

  3. "And, if the you are the challenger, it's not bring your own."

    Heh! Good point!

    "There's a rather sweet Darwinnowing going on here."

    What an apposite term!
