Sunday 21 December 2014

But At Least, Mindful Of The Season...

...someone helpfully giftwrapped him.


  1. or possibly made him Oven ready

  2. The dream Christmas gift to have been on hand and ended his misery with your personal gas-guzzler, JuliaM.

  3. Alas, although I experienced a massive injection of Schadenfreude at this post - - alongside this week's moral panic over A&E services it highlights the massive problems faced by our EMERGENCY health services. EMERGENCY services are being used as routine at A&E for a variety of reasons, some understandable, some not. Ambulance services are massively overstretched because they are called on to deal with many, many matters that are not emergencies but there is no-one else to deal - rather like the police with the mentally ill and drunks - same client base really. The growth of 'the night time economy' means resources are always stretched, sheltered housing without 24 hr cover - who picks up the old doris who's fallen over..etc etc.
    We all know the reasons why in many cases - so whats' to be done?

  4. Good heavens, woman.
    You tag this as 'humour'?
    I've got a pretty irreverent sense of humour, but you should see a psychiatrist.

  5. Close, very close to bordering on insensitive. Not so insensitive as the warble gloamists and suchlike who think disbelievers be executed, and they're not even funny.

  6. xX ...someone helpfully giftwrapped him. XX

    :-D :-D :-D :-D


  7. "...someone helpfully giftwrapped (sic) him."

    An economy ticket to journalistic bad taste was certain to attract and dazzle nigger-hating nazis.

  8. Oh! Hello Melvyn! I thought you were away.

    Apparently you just changed names.

    That to keep the ward sister on her feet?

    Well, laddie, just take the mediceine, and it MAY get better.

  9. "or possibly made him Oven ready"


    Sadly, I think they are mostly stringy & taste of diesel.

    "...and ended his misery with your personal gas-guzzler..."

    Mount the pavement? Oooh, no. Can my Land Rover take that sort of punishment? ;)

    "We all know the reasons why in many cases - so whats' to be done?"

    Whatever it is, it certainly won't be a quick fix.

    "Close, very close to bordering on insensitive. "

    Really? Damn. Better try harder... ;)

  10. Upper Class Rover Twit23 December 2014 at 11:00

    "Mount the pavement? Oooh, no. Can my Land Rover take that sort of punishment? ;)"

    Inconsiderate cyclists may well gasp at the typical body-shop bill for decent Rover drivers, Julia.

    As we of some importance know only too well, the serious disrespect of obstructing the path of a £100K Land Rover is barely mitigated by the freeloading cyclist, who in a fit of conscience, might throw himself into a spot of clear road where swift and economic justice can be dispensed.
