Saturday 7 March 2015

‘Golden Hour’? More Golden Shower

…of hoplophobic, overreacting idiots who shouldn’t be anywhere near a classroom:
Jayden Taljaard, pictured with his mother Natasha Taljaard, was sent home from school and now faces potential expulsion after he took an orange toy gun in for a 'golden hour' session in his class
And that’s not even the limit of the idiocy on display here, either:
A police officer is due to visit the youngster at home to warn him of the dangers of firearms.
Oh, Christ! Seriously? A bright orange toy gun that doesn’t even make *bang* noises..?

Who, seriously, would authorise this? Don’t the police have anything better to do? Aren’t they always pleading ‘lack of resources’ at every opportunity?
Jayden's stepfather Kevin Pleasants said the schoolboy had made a simple mistake and the issue has been 'blown out of all proportion'.
The 56-year-old construction worker said: 'We were totally unaware that a bright orange toy gun that doesn't fire anything would cause so much mayhem.
'We have a policeman coming to the house to give him a lecture on the dangers of firearms - he's 10, it's ridiculous. '
Well, it’s quite simple. Don’t let him in.

Or let him in and invite him to have his little ‘talk’ in your presence and that of the local press. He’ll soon make his excuses and leave.

And if he doesn’t, it’ll make great tv, watching him stutter and stumble his way through a lecture on the ‘dangers’ of bright orange gun-shaped pieces of plastic!

Seems the school has ‘a policy’ (don’t they always?). One they must have cribbed straight from one of the more excitable US schools:
'It's being blown out of all proportion. We had no idea about the school's policy on toy guns. It's a simple mistake.
'He asked his mother if he could take a toy to school. She didn't let him at first. He explained about golden time and took the gun.
'Three teachers said they felt threatened by this gun. Could they not see it was bright orange and plastic?'
Yes. Yes, of course they could, unless they are blind as well as cretinous. But there may well be a hidden agenda here:
Jayden suffers from ADHD and other learning difficulties but was making good progress at the school since joining in September, according to his parents.
Hmmm. According to the teachers as well? Is this really an attempt by the school to remove a thorny problem, using this as an excuse? I wonder.

This, though, in particular, is simply monstrous, and rather indicative of the sort of vindictive, revelling in power mindset we’re dealing with here:
'We received a letter saying he is not allowed out in public otherwise we might face prosecution because he is not in school. 'He has to stay in the house all day. It's like he is a prisoner in his own home. Natasha is an assistant nurse and she has had to take time off work.'
Wait, what..?

If the kid’s been officially excluded, properly recorded as such, the only way you might be prosecuted is if the local employees who take these cases before magistrates are bumbling incompetents with a hugely undeserved faith in their own genius and an inability to see where they have come unstuck.

You know, like these teachers.


  1. Sometimes the bonkers, right wing Daily Mail has it's uses in between stories about Kelly Brook's breasts...

  2. 'Three teachers said they felt threatened by this gun. Could they not see it was bright orange and plastic?'
    How low is the bar to teach primary school? I wouldn't trust that lot to cross the road by themselves.

  3. Surely more to the story BUT an utter waste of the valuable police time we hear so much about being under threat. let the school sort the little shit out. I say little shit because as soon as I hear or see the phrases, ADHA /Learning difficulties that's what I think!

  4. Bunny

    I am with Mr Anonymous re ADHD/Learning Difficulties, my cousins kids all have different learning disabilities, mainly because their parents don't believe in discipline and they run riot with no one telling them not to. When I was a nipper at primary school in the 70s, bringing in something with historical interest was the norm, hence bringing in a 303 Lee Enfield bayonet wasn't frowned upon as long as you kept it in the class in the desk during the day.

  5. "...unless they are blind as well as cretinous..."

    It appears that that is the case.

  6. XX Who, seriously, would authorise this? Don’t the police have anything better to do? Aren’t they always pleading ‘lack of resources’ at every opportunity? XX

    You are a 10 year officer, you get injured on duty.

    Your choice?

    Either retire on half pension, or carry on until your 20 and get full pension. (For what it is worth.)

    So, the boss give you shit to do.

    But he is fulfiling a purpose, in that he is doing something that would otherwise be given to a cop who was fully fit, and taken away from patrol to talk to wee bastards with a water pistol. Or he could be the collator...or....or...

    The fact that that the politicians are worrying themselves shitless over wee bastards with cap guns is NOT the fault of the Police.

    The only other possibility is for the police to mutiny.

    Now THAT could be fun!!!

  7. XX Or let him in and invite him to have his little ‘talk’ in your presence and that of the local press. He’ll soon make his excuses and leave.XX


    That is no problem.

    The spastic, imbicilic, brain dead "press" are fully on board on this issue.

    The incredible filth eating, slime that call them selves "the Media" are ALL recieving their thick brown envelopes, from under the tables, in back rooms of back street smokey pubs, to say EXACTLY what the dictatorship wants them to say.

    And under Buttfuck O'Bummer, that is anti gun. (As with Queer boy Commyron in the U.K.)

    So do not expect support from THAT bunch of cripple brained Mother fuckers.

  8. Should have sent Plod round for calling him Jayden.

  9. "How low is the bar to teach primary school?"

    I think you'd have to limbo under it even if you were a dwarf...

    " soon as I hear or see the phrases, ADHA /Learning difficulties that's what I think!"

    Well, indeed. I do believe it is a condition, but I think it's far, far rarer than it would appear to be.

    "The only other possibility is for the police to mutiny"

    Maybe what we have now is the 'dumb insolence' stage that precedes that?
