Wednesday 25 March 2015

Our Criminal Justice System…

Cox was identified by a Southend police officer as he was reviewing CCTV of the incident. The court heard Cox had 47 convictions for 72 offences dating back to when he was 12.
In 2013, Cox was locked up in a young offenders’ institution for stabbing a man at a railway station.
In mitigation, the court heard Cox had a difficult childhood, but he now had a two-year-old daughter and was trying to turn his life around.
Not trying very hard, clearly.

He’s now been locked up for 16 months (inevitably, he won’t serve all of that). Is it me, or should the question instead be ‘Why bother ever letting him out’..?


  1. No, it isn't you. Don't magistrates get tired of the same old mitigation script time and time again - even in just one half day that they actually work, let alone a week, a month a year etc.?

  2. Vasectomise him before letting him out, no point keeping those genes in circulation plus our tax already supports his sprog.

  3. He s hould be breaking stones in a quarry.

  4. "Don't magistrates get tired of the same old mitigation script time and time again..."

    I know I would...
