Friday 3 April 2015

Oh, Now You Need A Witness, Eh?

Ms Darby gave Kent Police the driver's full licence plate, but they will not take further action without a witness and the ladies are worried the driver may strike again.
Well, reporting a road rage attack in the present-day is clearly not the way to go about it.

Why doesn't your daughter just wait about 30 years, then claim the man in the car sexually assaulted her? She'll have dozens of cops working on the case then!


  1. Now, then. Now, then...

    And now a hit by Showaddywoddy.

  2. A DONA, Driver of no appearance?

  3. @NickM

    No, It was Jihaddywaddy:- They came from Rotherham...

  4. Oh dear Julia,in your rush to print yet another anti-police story did you not read the comments?. The other driver has come forward and given his side of the story and handed himself in to the police. Now they need an independent person to verify what happened.It's called gathering evidence,something you criticise us for not doing enough.

  5. "The other driver has come forward and given his side of the story...."

    One cannot rule out the possibility that the culprit driver was plod. The cowardly initial action; his subsequent follow-ups, jaded inglish and panic, bear all the hallmarks of someone from that particular 'working' group.

  6. One cannot rule out the possibility that you are an insane buffoon Melvin with a single issue obsession.

    BTW what do you do for a living?So I can smear everyone from your peer group of course. I don't expect a straight answer.

  7. I remember when Father O'Flynn put his arm round me at the Ballybunyon Fete in 1953....

    (sound of sirens.....)

  8. "A DONA, Driver of no appearance?"


    "...did you not read the comments?. The other driver has come forward and given his side of the story..."

    Not at the time I collected and drafted it, no...
