Saturday 4 April 2015

Well, Judge Greenfield, It Might Have Been A Skipping Marathon…

…but then again, probably not, eh?
Judge Greenfield said he was "not quite clear what would have happened to [the girl] that day"…
Really, Judge..? Really..?!?

Naturally, the defence knows just who the real victim is here:
At a sentencing hearing on Thursday, his lawyer Tamsin Ryder, said in mitigation that Hassankhail was "extremely vulnerable" and had suffered "quite horrendous experiences" throughout his life.
She told the court the Afghan teenager had lost most of his family at a young age, suffered "attempted brainwashing at the hands of the Taliban" and had lived an isolated life without any responsible adults.
Yes, I’ve no doubt he had a pretty bad time of it. How nice of Britain to take him in. And look how we were repaid…

And it's not as if the potential problems posed by young males without adult male role models were unknown, either.
Miss Ryder appealed for Hassankhail to be spared a custodial sentence, which she said would put him at great risk.
Frankly, who cares about the risk to him?
But district judge Peter Greenfield said Hassankhail, in denying the charge, had forced the 11-year-old girl to give evidence at his trial and "relive in some respects what you did that day".
He dismissed the teenager's claims that he thought the girl had been a 16-year-old Croydon College student, pointing out her school was clearly signposted as a primary school and had a children's play area visible from outside.
He said: "Nevertheless you proceeded to take her away from her lawful custody."
Whew! At least the judge isn’t totally fooled.
He sentenced Hassankhail to a 18-month detention and training order, of which he will serve half in custody.
I’d like to think that the other half is served aboard a slow boat back to Afghanistan. But I doubt it.


  1. Let's hope he gets shived to death by 'Lugless Douglas' in B wing thus saving the tax payer further grief.

  2. Hassankhail was "extremely vulnerable" and had suffered "quite horrendous experiences" throughout his life

    Yeah, just like me. Terrible time finding the right whisky sometimes.

  3. James, try and fing Lambs navy rum in Germany, virtually fucking IMPPOSSIBLE!

    I am traumatised, so I am.

  4. '...aboard a slow boat back to Afghanistan...'

    And, preferably, rowing the bugger himself through shark-infested seas.


  6. XX '...aboard a slow boat back to Afghanistan...' XX IF the river from the Indus to Kabul is navigable, but I doubt it.

  7. FT: Tis because it is full of dead bodies and shit.

  8. "Let's hope he gets shived to death by 'Lugless Douglas' in B wing thus saving the tax payer further grief."


    "And, preferably, rowing the bugger himself through shark-infested seas."

