Sunday 24 May 2015

Diversity Officer - Yr Doin' It Wrong!


Update: Might decide that mocking selfie wasn't a good idea after all, Bahar....


  1. She's an all too typical example of the politically-correct brain-washing which passes for education these days. An eight year old should be able to understand racism is possible regardless of race or ethnic origin. And yet somehow she must have passed GCSEs & A-levels to get to university - wow!

  2. One down, now just Harman & acolytes to go...

  3. Genes should not be so unkind to the head as to make permanent features of ugliness and stupidity.

  4. Apparently, she isn't sexist or racist because of power relationships or something...

  5. Bunny

    I've said it before and I'll say it again, how come the UK attracts all the stupid ones? 27 and playing at student politics ffs.

  6. Bunny,

    It isn't that we attract them its more that we provide the perfect environment for them to flourish. Or should I say provided, it seems to be going a bit toxic for the lot of them. :)

  7. Bunny

    Lord T I agree, I am currently working in the Middle East and the people we have out here are miles away from the people whinging in the UK. The first thing that should be done is stop non-contributory benefits, that would see the numbers of immigrants fall.

    In the case of this young lady it would be interesting to note whether she is on a student visa or is the child of a resident. It would be somewhat amusing should she be sent back to the Middle East in a certain level of disgrace.

  8. "She's an all too typical example of the politically-correct brain-washing which passes for education these days."

    Which makes her doubly unemployable by anyone but the public sector.

    "Apparently, she isn't sexist or racist because of power relationships or something..."

    That old chestnut!

    "In the case of this young lady it would be interesting to note whether she is on a student visa or is the child of a resident. "

    Or is a home-grown loon.
