Tuesday 30 June 2015

Always The Bridesmaid Victim, Never The Bride Perpetrator…

Yasmin Alibhai-Brown gets it spectacularly wrong yet again:
It was a bad Friday. The attacks in Tunisia, Kuwait and France shocked and scared British Muslims, as much if not more than those outside the faith.
Did they really?
There have been so many acts of Islamicist violence, the faith itself is now seen as toxic. “There is no such thing as peaceful Islam,” according to Edward R, who sent a hastily written letter to me this week.
“You are the enemy. You want to destroy us, democracy, breed like rabbits and take over.”
I am grateful to him for putting down on paper what many fellow citizens feel and think.
Err, you mean, like you just did when you claimed to know what ‘British Muslims’ were thinking?
The accusations are unfair and unwarranted, but after every such attack, it becomes harder to answer them. It is very hard to be a Muslim these days.
Yup, a family lost three generations on that beach in Tunisia, but pity poor Yasmin! It’s so damn hard to be Muslim! *sob*
The tragedy is that today, most Europeans believe all Muslims are hate-filled aliens who will never belong. Avowals and marches by Muslims will not shift that perception. What we need is a vast coalition of black, white, brown, religious, atheist, politically diverse, poor and rich, gay and straight people. As we did when Bush and Blair declared war on Iraq. We understood then what was right and what was terribly wrong. That same unequivocal, worldwide opposition needs to build up against the Taliban, al-Qaeda and Isis. Imagine millions marching from Cairo to Cape Town, Perth to Helsinki, Lima to Karachi, all rejecting Islamicist ideologies and utopian fantasies, reclaiming their common humanity. It can be done.
And it won’t be. Why not..?


  1. XX Avowals and marches by Muslims will not shift that perception.XX

    SHOW us some, you sand-nigger bitch, and then perhaps we can start talking.

    DON'T say that us whites never protest when WE, or someone who purports to be "we" do something wrong! William Wilberforce, Suffragettes, the Irish peace movement, MILLIONS in the states, marching against the KKK, Even those arseholes in "Ban the bomb." I disagree with CND, but at least they got off their arses and DID something for what they supossedly believed.

    Lets see something similar with the Suidaephobes!

    THEN we MAY start believing your drivel.

  2. Dear Yasmin, you are an Ahmadi and therefore heretical; you go out unchaperoned, revealing body parts which should be covered to prevent them distracting righteous men; you have views on the independence of women which are at odds with those expressed in the Koran. Your local branch of observant RoPers will know what to do when the time comes.

  3. My heart hardened even more when, following the Charlie Hebdo massacre they protested about the West's lack of respect towards them.

    A BBC researcher laughed derisively at me some ten years ago for my opinion that multi-culturalism couldn't work. I guess she's in the IS-is-nothing-to-do-with-Islam camp.


  4. @Anonymous at 09:16: Actually, she's an Ismaili. No less "heretical" but lovely people (as are the Ahmadis).

    What the government and the powers-that-be really should be doing is promoting and supporting the Ahmadis and the Ismailis, who are among the few Muslim varieties who are wholeheartedly committed to peaceful coexistence and the rules of law, and slowly but surely squeezing the others out of public life. But they won't; the jihadists and the appeasers have got into the corridors of power.

  5. XX revealing body parts which should be covered to prevent them distracting righteous men;XX

    To prevent "rightous men" puking on their corn flakes!

    She's got a gob like a rip in a dockers coat, and tits like a blow out in Spud Murphys welly.

  6. Dear Yasmin,

    If these peace-loving Muslims really exist, please mobilise them: to march, to protest and otherwise be heard unequivocally to condemn the senseless slaughter of innocents by their religious fellow-travellers.

    I'm not holding my breath waiting.

  7. There is nothing 'lovely' about Ali Baba. She is a liar for a start - Muslims in the UK and Ireland do not face any kind of discrimination: just the opposite in fact.

    Ali Baba is a snake in the grass who pretends to admire the British while wishing them gone.

  8. "coalition of black, white, brown, religious, atheist, politically diverse, poor and rich, gay and straight"

    Why can't she just say "People".

  9. Ed P. I thought I had said that in my first post. But thanks for the translation. :-D

  10. What a wonderful description of the woman, FT. That was pure poetry. How long before she gets into the House of Lords?

  11. Andy, as soon as Cameron needs to re-establish his credentials as a bleeding-heart metrosexual and the true "heir to Blair", she'll be there.

  12. What did Mr Brown ever see in the vile cow?

  13. Lynne at Counting Cats3 July 2015 at 18:03

    What would Idi Amin do?

  14. "THEN we MAY start believing your drivel."

    Actually, I still think it'd take more..

    "A BBC researcher laughed derisively at me some ten years ago for my opinion that multi-culturalism couldn't work. I guess she's in the IS-is-nothing-to-do-with-Islam camp."

    Well, they saw off Cameron this week, but I'm not sure that wasn't in revenge for the license fee.

    "Andy, as soon as Cameron needs to re-establish his credentials as a bleeding-heart metrosexual and the true "heir to Blair", she'll be there."

    Spot on!
