Saturday 3 October 2015

No, It’s Not, And No, You Don’t…

Kerry Smith, Independence councillor for Nethermayne, said the complaints need to be handled carefully as the venue is being used for religious purposes.
He added: “I have been looking into this issue for the past few months, and have been talking to officers. We‘re looking into a number of options.
“This is a sensitive issue, and we need to be careful about how we deal with it.”
It is, of course, as a perusal of Farenheit211’s archives would tell you, the perennial problem of pop-up mosques making everyone’s lives a misery.
Up to 60 people visit Kingswood Play Centre every Friday afternoon for Jumma prayers, with between 40 and 50 Muslims returning on Sunday afternoons for workshops.
Stephen Ward, Ukip councillor for Pitsea South East, has been contacted by angry neighbours, as he lives in the road.
He said: “Residents are fed up. It’s a nightmare. There is nowhere left for them to park, and they are struggling to get through the road because it is blocked both sides.
“Children can’t see oncoming traffic when they’re crossing the road or even walk down the path. It’s dangerous. It’s an accident waiting to happen.
“The community centre has a car park, but it obviously isn’t big enough. People visiting the mosque have even tried to park in the doctor’s surgery car park, but they’ve been told to stop.
“I’m worried about racial tensions boiling up. Residents have even gone to the police, but have been told there is nothing they can do.”
Well, of course. Even though obstructing the road is an offence, the authorities will run a mile from having to deal with it should it be caused by a certain demographic.
Mohammed Yaqub, from the South Essex Islamic Trust, which rents out the centre for weekly prayers, said he has not been approached by residents.
He said: “The centre has a car park so I wouldn’t say it’s normally a problem. Sometimes if extra people turn up we do have to park on the road because there is nowhere else for the cars to go.
“We were very busy over Ramadam as it is such a special event for us, so parking probably was an issue then.”
Or, to translate: “*shrug* What are you gonna do, kaffir, give us parking tickets?”


  1. There is a simple answer to the problem but no one in the UK will use it - no place can be used as a mosque unless there is enough parking space for twice the number of people that place can hold.

    We could also go on and say that no mosque can be built unless it gets unanimous approval of all the non muslim people in the county in which they hope to build it.

  2. I have a simpler solution: no more mosques.

    Why is everyone pretending (to themselves and everybody else) that the increasing numbers of muslims in the UK is somehow not a problem?

    Britain has welcomed immigrants for hundreds of years if they integrate. But it's increasingly obvious that integration is not what muslims want. Even the stupid, i.e., politicians, are starting to see their crazy multi-culti plans are flawed.

    There is no place in a civilised society for barbaric, misogynistic and backward religions - people are welcome to believe/practise whatever they like in the privacy of their own homes, but society demands a consensus and acceptable practises.

    The natural tolerance of the British has been sorely strained in recent years, so the projected influx of Syrian refugees will seem intolerable to many. Unless local councils provide adequate support - and history suggest they never do until too late - there will be unrest.

  3. My morning's readings found this
    its about how the Romans first tried to keep the Visigoths out, then public opinion decided it was cruel and they resettled them leading to the sack of Rome, then some useful stats about when our current hostile colonists change from a peaceful minority to a threat to our way of life and lives.

  4. " place can be used as a mosque unless there is enough parking space for twice the number of people that place can hold."

    Excellent idea!

    "Why is everyone pretending (to themselves and everybody else) that the increasing numbers of muslims in the UK is somehow not a problem?"

    Not everyone!

    "...then some useful stats about when our current hostile colonists change from a peaceful minority to a threat to our way of life and lives."

    Pretty sure we're past that point already.

  5. There is an enormous one very close to my home. There is NO PARKING on-site whatsoever. It's next door to a church with an ample parking lot. You can guess how this plays out... As Ivan says, how they allowed it be built is a mystery (but not really....).
